
PM Narendra Modi Greetings On National Technology Day 11 May 2015

Today is National Technology Day in India which is celebrated every year since 1998. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday extended greetings to the nation on the occasion of National Technology Day. National Technology Day is regarded as a very special day for Indian technology since 1998. On this day, India achieved a huge technological advancement in the form of the successful test flying of its first indigenous aircraft “Hansa-3” in Bangalore, the successful test firing of the Trishul missile and the execution of three successful nuclear tests at Pokhran in Rajasthan. Now below get complete details of PM Narendra Modi Greetings On National Technology Day.

PM Narendra Modi Greetings On National Technology Day

“Greetings to my fellow Indians on the occasion of National Technology Day. Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan,” Prime Minister Modi tweeted.

“On National Technology Day my greeting to the people of India. Technology has the power to transform the lives of the people. From mitigating poverty, simplifying processes, ending corruption, to providing better services to the people, the vitality of technology is everywhere,” – Prime Minister Modi in his tweet.

“I convey my special greetings to all technology enthusiasts and scientists whose passion for technology and quest for innovation continues to make India proud,” Modi Says.

pm modi greetings on national technology day 2015

On National Technology day, several events are organized at engineering colleges and technical institutes. Lectures, competitions, quizzes, presentations and interactive sessions on different aspects of science are also organized.

National Technology Day recognizes the contributions of scientists, engineers, planners and others engaged in governance and nation building. National Technology awards are also presented to companies and individuals for adopting new technologies by the president of India. The ministry of science and technology coordinates different events.(ANI)


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