13 Unique Guinness World Records of India : India is known for so many different things and for some things India beats every country and being able to make their name in the Guinness World Records. So a lot of interesting records by Indians will be related to them. Here are a few of them. Scroll this page a to know about all the records of India.
Unique Guinness World Records of India
World’s longest Turban

The 100lb headgear is the length of 13 Olympic swimming pools when unwrapped and takes six-hours for Avtar Singh Mauni from Patiala, Punjab to put on.
World’s Largest Chapati

The largest chapati is 145 kg (319 lb 10 oz) and was made by Dagdu Seth Ganpati Sarvajanik Mahotsav (India), in Jamnagar, India on 22 September 2012. The chapati was made on a metal plate measuring 3 m by 3 m (10 ft by 10 ft).
World’s Largest Biryani

[March 1]NEW DELHI, India–Sixty Indian chefs on Saturday cooked a rice dish weighing 13-tonne (28,600 pounds) and set the world record for the largest Biryani.
World’s Shortest Women

Amge is 20 and hails from Nagpur, India. She weighs 11 pounds and stands at 23 inches, according to Guinness World Records. She has a “form of dwarfism called achondroplasia,” Guinness says.
Most Expensive Wedding

With Indian’s spending lavishly on weddings, this one doesn’t come as a surprise. Steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal’s daughter’s wedding holds the record for the most expensive wedding. Vanisha Mittal married investment banker Amit Bhatia in 2004 where guests were entertained in full Bollywood style by superstar Shah Rukh Khan. The total money spent on the wedding was a whopping USD 60 million.
World’s Longest Moustache

The longest moustache measures 4.29 m (14 ft) and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan (India). It was measured on the set of the Italian TV show “Lo Show dei Record” in Rome, Italy, on 4 March 2010.
Most Number of Self Portraits Clicked Together

In a selfie-obsessed world, this record is also proudly held by Indians. Students and staff from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology hold the record for taking the largest number of selfies or self-portraits – 1, 000 frames in a minute- in their campus in Angamaly, near Kochi.
Fastest Nose Typist
The fastest time to type a prescribed 103 character text on a keyboard using the nose is 46.30 seconds, and was achieved by Vinod Kumar Chaudhary (India), in New Delhi, Delhi, India on 22 December 2014.
Farthest Distance Limbo Skating under Cars

Gagan’s record-breaking stunt has been recognised by the India Book of Records as the ‘Farthest Distance In Limbo Skating Under Cars’ – but the feat has yet to be ratified by the Guinness Book of World Records. In achieving his goal, Gagan shattered the previous record of 48.21 metres set two years ago by Shreeya Deshpande, then five, in Kolhapur.
World’s Shortest Cow

Manikyam was declared the world’s shortest cow last year – smashing the previous record by more than three inches – and a five-member Guinness World Record team visited the village to verify the record.
Most Hugs given in an Hour

The most hugs given in one hour is 2,436 and was achieved by Jayasimha Ravirala (India) at the Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, in Tekkali, Andrha Pradesh, India, on 29 September 2012. Jayasimha Ravirala holds several Guinness World Records titles.
Longest Solo Dance Marathon

Hemaletha, 37, danced continuously for 123 hours and 15 minutes the Mohiniyattam, one of the eight Indian classical dance forms, a solo recital by women – setting the new world record for the Longest dance marathon by an individual.
Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Mohandas Gandhi

The largest gathering of people dressed as Mohandas Gandhi was 485 and was achieved by the children of T.R.A.C.K.S. Training Resource & Care For Kids (India) in Kolkata, India, on 29 January 2012.
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