April Fool’s Day is traditionally celebrated on 1st April by fooling your near and dear once by playing a joke, prank, or hoax on your friends, co-workers, family members. Although April Fools Day is not a legal holiday. The victim on whom the pranks and jokes have been applied is called ‘April Fool’. William Shakespeare’s famous quote “Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.” April fool’s Day is not that big event and there is no public holiday on this day. People just send jokes and play pranks to their friends and family. On this April Fool day, if you want to send some pranks kind of jokes, then you are in the right place. Below in this article, you will get the latest jokes and wishes for your near and dear ones. This year go and play some pranks with your friends and make them fool with your pranks. In Scotland, April Fools’ Day was traditionally called ‘Huntigowk Day’ and In the UK, an April fool joke is revealed by shouting “April fool!” at the recipient, who becomes the “April fool”. Funny April Fools Day Pranks Jokes
We can see that it’s a day to making a fool of someone but along with this, some movies, films, and books have a name of this day. If we talk about the books so, Bryce Courtenay wrote a novel and give a name to his novel as “April Fool’s Day” which was published in 1993 and the title refers to the day when Courtenay’s son died.
Along with this, Sitcom Roseanne showed an episode named “April Fool Day” in the 1990s. The show was misleading because it was about Tax Day which was happened on April 15 in the United States of America. It was the last day for the information of the tax year well, the Tax Day was shown on April 15.
Basically, the day April Fool started spreading from Britain during the 18th century. In Scotland country, the day became an event for two days and also, starting to making the fool of the people, in which the people sent to the phony errands which were followed by Tailie Day and the involved people played a prank on peoples. Many things happened during the prank and people enjoyed the day with others.
In recent times, peoples try to make their audience fool through newspapers, Radio, Websites, and TV stations. They create some fictional claims that fooled their customer or audience. There are lots of variation between many countries on the day of April Fool but everyone one has a common motive to make someone fool. For Example, the fooled person is called “Poisson d’avril” which is mainly known as April Fish and there is also the meaning of this that a fish which has caught in a net or a man. In other countries, there are lots of things to make someone fool.

April Fools Day Whatsapp Funny Video
April Fool Day Clips Pranks Ideas
April Fool Day Memes Whatsapp Trolls
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