The CET exam is going to held. And the cut off of this exams will be announced after the IMU CET results. IMU CET has conducted it’s exam very successfully all over. So now candidates are waiting to see the first cut offs this exam.

Candidates have an idea about this exam. Candidates need to get al least minimum marks to clear IMU CET exams. It’s a four years bachelor degree programs in the field of Marine.
4th june IMU CET 2016 Exam Answer key
Directorate of Marine Engineering Training Institute trained the candidates for the marine engineering. Students could easily check their cut off by the official website of IMU CET.
IMU CET is an All-India Based Entrance Exam that is conducted by Reputed Shipping Organisations. They carry out this exam on the behalf of MERI, Mumbai. MERI, Mumbai also offers B.Sc.
If the candidates would select or appeared on the cut-off list, then they candidate will call for the next round. The engineering training began in 1927.
Steps to go for the cut off Marks 2016:-
1. First, Go to the official website of IMU CET.
2. Then choose
3. Now compare your marks with cut off list.
We are giving you the information that is based on last year cut offs. If you are selected and appeared in the cut off the list, then it’s good.
And if you do not get the expected cut off then you should not lose the hope and try your best to improve the performance for the next exam. Stay connected with us for more result details.
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