A New Study revealed Pokemon Go may Possibly boost Physical Activity

A recent study claims that the popular, greater than before reality game Pokemon Go may perhaps increase physical activity in players over the age of 40. Scholars from University of Tokyo in Japan expect that the findings will notify urban organizers or developers and game designers to stimulate and motivate people to be more active and energetic.

Improved reality is when apps and games overlap an actual camera feed with images, characters and statistics to deliver all types of communicating involvements. As a part of a health programme launched in 2014, around 2,580 partakers were given pedometers which calculated the steps they acquired in a day, and were graphed on materials comprising practice of location-based improved reality games.

From this pool of partakers, 230 topics and themes were selected with as much in mutual as probable to evade additional issues backing to consequences. In this survey, Forty-six of them were players of Pokemon GO, and the remaining 184 were not.

Kimihiro Hino who is from University of Tokyo, said, “Game-makers and urban planners could factor what we’ve learned into their respective activities.”

Hino further added, “I think Pokemon GO succeeds where physical activity games do not because it’s a game first with potential added health benefits. It’s possible such games could serve as a gateway to further people’s enthusiasm for physical activity”.

One more hope is that these outcomes motivate urban planners to construct further pedestrian areas into urban centres. Hino would like to discover more of the networks in the middle of augmented reality games and their influence, not just on physical movement itself but on approaches in the direction of exercise.

Pokemon Go is an augmented reality (AR) mobile game established and published by Niantic for the devices for iOS and Android. A part of the Pokemon authorization, it was first out in definite countries in July 2016 and in further regions over the next few months. The game is the outcome of an alliance among Niantic and Nintendo by way of The Pokémon Company.

Pokemon Go, at the time of its release got mixed reviews; the critics applauded the conception, but at the same time criticized its technical difficulties. In the year of 2016, it was one of the most used and commercial mobile apps. It became most popular game at that time having been downloaded more than 500 million times internationally by the end of the year. It is attributed with promoting location-based and AR technology, encouraging physical activity, and serving local companies grow due to improved foot traffic.


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