The last night episode of the TV series Krishnadasi start with Pavitra told Aradhya that she had filled a case against Tulsi for the allegation of the baby swapping 21 years ago. Aradhya thinks and asked to Pavitra than why you should complain against Tulsi as Tulsi did not do baby swapping.

Krishnadas Today Episode Written Updates
In fact, she is a victim of the baby swapping conspiracy like you but Pavitra says we need to the complaint against both Kumudini and Pavitra. Now the police arrive and arrest both Kumidini and Pavitra.
And Pavitra is shocked to know that the complaint has been launch by Tulsi Rao and Sashwat Rao. Kumudini curses them after knowing the truth and Pavitra arrives there in the jail and humiliated them. Ardhaya in the mean time tries to explain to Pavitra that in the case of the baby swapping there is no mistake of Tulsi.
Aradhya thinks to get out both Kumudini and Tulsi from the jail and for that she fixes her meeting with Aryan. In the mean time, Abba says that he will be teaching lesson to both Tulsi and Kumudini.
Sashwat is shocked to know so and tries to explain him that whatever the baby swapping happen in that case there is no mistake of Tulsi then why should we punish Tulsi. Pavitra arrives there and she taunts’ Sashwat.
That why Sashwat is having soft corner for Tulsi and Sashwat then fumes on anger and yells at Pavitra.
In the meantime, Aradhya is anxious to see that Abba says that he will be the complaint against Tulsi and Kumudini by launching FIR against them and Tulsi by the way on the other hand is the worry for Aradhya.
Somehow Tulsi had an encounter with Aradhya in the road as Aryan manages to bring out Tulsi from jail by bail and in the road, Tulsi was about to fall down while walking by slips but Aradhya holds her. Tulsi and Aradhya both go emotional and Aryan too.
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