Abhi reaches where Pragya and Champak are present. Abhi just walked out without saying a word. Pragya didn’t understand but tannu is still manipulating Abhi. Abhi is thinking about whole incident and thinks if Pragya has moved on. Pragya thinks he might be pretending to be angry. Then she thinks this might be done by Tannu.

Kumkum Bhagya Episode Written Updates
Rachna thinks that Abhi proposed her. But it hasn’t happened yet. Pragya thinks that Abhi will propose her when she will cut the cake. Pragya blushes. Champak again comes in front of Pragya and Abhi starts ignoring Pragya. Abhi thnks she is smiling at him but actually Pragya was thinking about Abhi which make her smile. Nikhil asks Tannu to create some more problems in her life.
Tannu and Nikhil are waiting for the time. Dadi asks Pragya to cut the cake as she bolws the candels Tannu starts adding fuel to the moment. Tannu makes the moment puzzled. She keeps on making more and more puzzles. Then She allegs Pragya for having an external affair. She brings her past in between and tries prove that Champak is her boyfriend.
Tannu question her and asks Abhi to ask about Champak. She alleges on her to be characterless. She said she is far better than her as she never cheated on Abhi because she loves him. But Pragya married him only for money and after what she get she started cheating on him. Pragya gets out of control and slaps her. All the guests leave the place and Tannu tells Pragya that she would soon expose her.
Tannu tells that Abhi got shocked as he reads the messages on the bouquets and wondering who is Champak.
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