Here we Are Proving you latest News From AIMS( Association of Indian Management Schools) Those candidate appered that exam at March 1 Today The result are Announced Before Few Mintutes. Check Out Your Result On This Official Websites The candidates are required to the select the exam and insert PID and password.The computer based exam is scheduled on May 24. The candidates can check know how to check the results. Each year the AIMS board conducts internet based test as well as paper based test. In the month of February the internet based test is already been conducted and the time is now for the release of answer key for the 1st march exam paper based test.

ATMA Result Declared
How To Check
- Visit the website for which the link is provided here,
- The candidates are required to the select the exam and insert PID and password.
Submit the same. The results will appear on the screen.The candidates are required to take out a print and retain it for future use.
ATMA score is applicable for admissions against 15 per cent OMS quota and 20 per cent institute level seats for all the institutes for MBA and MMS. For further details, visit the official website. As the board has to conduct the exams every year 4 times, it is always busy and it also becomes expertise in the whole process of conducting the exam. So better you understand the process clearly and you have the better chance of getting previous papers and then finally attempt the papers great way. The other thing here to notice that the lakhs of students appear for these both kind of exams and based on your score card you will be having chances of getting good b school for finishing up the MBA and PGDM program successfully in the upcoming educational years.
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