Iftikhar escapes and he takes a rifle. As he enters the market the police force recognises him and chases him but he again escapes and enters a school. He hostage the school. The police force reaches there but failed to enter the school.

Dehleez Episode Written Updates
Suhasini came to know the truth of Manohar and she wants to apologize to Swadheenta so she calls Adarsh and asks him to let her talk. As he is outside to buy food so he asks her to talk later. He asks about Manohar but she ignores him.
She reaches to meet Zubeda. Swadheenta and Paddy reach to the stop and came to know about Arvind aka Iftikhar’s activity. She calls Adarsh and asks him to come fast. Suhasini confesses her mistake and apologizes her. She praises Swadheenta to reveal the truth.
She adds that both Abhay and Assad are martyrs of the country. Manohar asks the minister to reveal the truth. He warns him to suspend but he ignores him. He realises his mistake and decides to reveal the truth.
The students are terrified and Arvind goes to the teacher. She becomes frightened. He gathers all the students and teachers in the assembly hall. He calls Swadheenta and demands her to migrate him safely to his country else he will kill everybody.
He calls Paddy inside to talk to the administration directly. Paddy goes inside and takes his interview. He demands the government to arrange his migration safely to his country.
Swadheenta tries to stop Yash from meeting Iftikhar but he ignores her and meets Iftikhar. He takes bombs with him and says to him that he will kill him.
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