In the last night episode of the TV series Krishnadasi it has been shown that Aryan and Aradhya had an argument with each other on an issues, and Aryan asked to Aradhya, why you are doing all these ghost drama but Aradhya says to him that I am not doing any drama.

Krishnadasi Episode Written Update
Aradhya also asked to Aryan that the drama has been creates by your Ajji and Aryan is shocked now. Pavitra and Nakku listens their argument and they discuss about the Aradhya’s behavior.
When Aradhya was busy doing ghost drama, Aryan shouted on Aradhya and asked her to stop doing drama. Kaveri come there and said that the house is the haunted. She also said that in the Rao mansion, somebody dies accidentally and the soul is now about to seek revenge from the Rao family as the soul is the angry on Rao family members.
Kaveri said to Aryan that I think you Ajji’s soul enters in the Aradhya’s body as she used to hate Devdaasi but she herself was a Devdaasi.
Aryan says to Kaveri and also he yells at her that he doesn’t believe in all these stuffs and he do not believe in ghost or soul and he was about to yells at Aradhya but Kaveri denied him from doing so.
Kaveri also asked Aryan that let her take rest then she will be perhaps leave the Rao mansion and if you say anything to Aradhya then indirectly way you are irritating your Ajji’s soul, so you should stop doing the same.
Aryan angrily said Raj will be throw you away from the Rao mansion, Kaveri said I will be going from here but your Ajji’s soul will not leave the mansion house and she will be tortured you.
Kaveri now tied Aradhya’s head and says now the Rao family will be having protection from the ghost. And she also asked Aradhya to leave in a room alone unless she will be going to harm you.
Akku is anxious and she said to Aradhya that I need to pack my bag in order to leave for our village as my mother in law has come and she won’t spare me as she used to hate me, perhaps that is why he became ghost to seek revenge from whom she used to hate.
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