Aradhya’s getting shocked and bound his hand by the Aaba and Aaba says to Aradhya’s , you and you family are gonna be more tensioned for me never give me the piece ant she’s taking a gun in her hand take a plan for killing the Aradhya and gun face in the front for the Aradhya.

Krishnadasi Episode Written Updates
Than Aryan see that and come fast to the Aaba and take that gun from the Aaba hand’s and save the Aradhya’s life and Aryan says to the Aaba , what are you doing Aaba , You will go to kill the Aradhya and you are blind to not thinking any about , Than his Aaba says to the Aryan give me the gun and today I will kill her because of her i9 was never take a piece and if I will kill her than full satisfaction in my mind .
After that, Kumudini is coming to there and see that the condition of the Aradhya and says to the Aaba to check out the whole condition if you kill Aradhya then you lost your blood because Aradhya is the grand-daughter of the Vidyadhar Rio.
Before 21 years , saved me also saved her my daughter life and I did it all that because I will swap their children and in that hospital and it’s my mistake to today’s condition are gonna to kill the Aradhya .
After that when she’s says everything than Aaba and Aryan shocked and also Aradhya getting Shocked and don’t believe that talk and no reaction of the Aaba and also there present Aradhya to says something about this situation .
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