
9 Life Hacks for Students: How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Essay Writing

To write essays without plagiarism, you need patience and attention to the details. You can deceive the teacher by rearranging the words, but the program will calculate these frauds. So you just need to follow the basic rules.

Before you start, you need to familiarize yourself with the citation manual and requirements regarding the topic of work. From it, you can understand what to write, at which points to focus attention. If you start with a search on the Internet, then, having found the necessary abstract, it will be difficult for you to change lanes to another wave. Seen the plan will be the foundation. In this case, it will be much more difficult to fight plagiarism.

Find the main books and related articles. Select useful parts. So you will understand what is already there, where the weak points. Use the Internet to search for literature, not ready-made essays. Only live books will tell you how to write good papers without plagiarism.

Use the latest editions. Many books and monographs have not yet been placed on the Internet. Information from them can be taken, but you should not copy a lot, as the commission of teachers is always up to date with the latest literature novelties and can notice familiar paragraphs.

Frequently use the help of a supervisor. It will help add quality thoughts that will add unique text.

Entry and conclusions must be written on your own. Most of the supervisors, thesis committee members define the overall quality of the paper based on the Introduction and Conclusions paragraphs. You should be absolutely sure there is not even the slightest trace of plagiarism there. Clearly structured thoughts will highlight your work in the eyes of committee members.

Rewrite work in your own words. Of course, the process is long, but there’s nothing you can do. It is necessary to change the plan, reformulate its points. Next, take one section and change the text. Some parts can be removed. Cut big quotes, because they also reduce uniqueness.

Use different sources. Try to combine information from several papers. The program can show a high percentage of uniqueness and at the same time point the link to a site where there is a similar work. Select at least ten abstracts and articles. Academic essay written without plagiarism is always a guarantee that the student has put a lot of effort.

Add your own thoughts even using someone else’s thoughts. Even without understanding the topic, after reading the section, you can write a little text from yourself. After each chapter, write additional conclusions. This method will not only enhance the uniqueness but also receive praise from the supervisor.

Make sure to avoid self-plagiarism. Recently, the concept of self-plagiarism has come into use. It can happen when you re-publish your already published text or a part of it. Constantly publishing, the authors of scientific articles, get caught by using the same papers for several time. Of course, you are not a high-rank scientist yet, but try to avoid repeating yourself in papers. Some elements of the text, once written, migrate from one scientific work to another. Plagiarism verification systems do not understand where you borrowed your text from a neighbor or from yourself. If the scientific text has already been published earlier, the system regards it as plagiarism. The same does even the simplest college anti-plagiarism checker. This is, of course, a system error; it is wrong to consider the author’s own text as plagiarism. However, it is also wrong for the author to publish almost unchanged text over and over again. In the scientific community, this is regarded as an unethical act.

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