We are back with the update report, Where Kartik, Naira, Yash and Gayu enjoying the party and these guys instantly shocked after seeing the ghost in front and Kartik, Who was not believing in ghost given the shocking reaction after seeing the ghost.

Where before these activities, Gayu, Naira, Kartik and Yash reached the home and see that darkness all around, And everyone decided to go together for Yash’s bedroom. After it Naira said, There is no light and it seems like the negative energy presented and it’s definitely the best place for our horror stuff. Then everyone goes to the Nandini bedroom and ask for the Rukmani, What will the timing when Yash Dada ji come in the home.
Then suddenly Rukmani shouts and Martha don’t know why she is crying and she said sorry to the Rukmani for that question, Then she said I was crying because of before you no one asks him and I guess he left me as like your husband left and Akshara said, she has more power because of I never see it in this condition. also, she said to Rukmani, After seeing you we will know that what’s the strength and how to maintain it .
Then that all guys played the affected shoot with the cowboys dress and suddenly Naira has the idea and tells everyone to ready for the horror night, And Misthi starts the horror sounds. then everyone excited and changing all dress in like the vampire, ghost, witch figures.
Naksh and Kartik wanna some more crazy and horror act, But suddenly they both said about the horror musical sound, Yash confirmed that the sound comes from the neighbors who’s enjoying the party with loudspeakers.
Rose tells everyone, I’m hungry and then Naira says, will get the food from the kitchen,Naira says, there is no light that’s why I can’t see anything and everyone gets screwed after seeing the ghost.
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