
Cologne $ex attack victim recalls trauma of rape, pregnancy, and abortion

An 18-year-old girl became pregnant subsequent being raped while the New year celebration sex crimes in Cologne city in Germany. Where the 18-year-old young girl, who has not been identified, was tied down and raped in the center of the full packed area outer the city’s central station.

Cologne sex attack victim recalls trauma of rape, pregnancy and abortion

According to the victim, Where She decided to have the pregnancy aborted. The accusation surfaced in facts from the head of a regional women’s association to a sectional parliamentary analysis into the crimes. The claimed sacrifice has not come ahead openly.

Cologne sex attack victim recalls trauma of rape, pregnancy and abortion1

Also, She didn’t register a police complaint about the attack out of shame, Where Frauke Mahr is director of the Lobby for Young Women, said the appeal by the North Rhine-Westphalia state government.

Numerous women were sexually attacked in the range nearby Cologne’s system station on New Year’s celebration.

Still, this is the initial case of attack. The accident was separated from her friends and got between the crowd of young guys in the square outer the railroad terminal, Ms. Mahr told the inquiry that She finished up being smashed between two men.

Whenever In the conclusion, she looped up on the spot with a boy on top of her. She could see his look, Ms. Mahr said, She could see a different young woman deceptively on the spot a couple beats away and tried to plan for her to shut her eyes, still the man dropped her top.

She moved to a hospital with critical injuries and was held there for some days. She succeeding realized she was pregnant. While it was not clear either the rape had produced the pregnancy, she decided to have an aborting.

Further, more than 1,200 women were sufferers of sexual attacks in Cologne, Germany and another German town on New Year’s Celebration . Policemen consider unusual 2,000 men were included in the crimes, although so far just 120 prisoners have been recognized.

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