Here We Provide You Latest Important Details Of Cs Executive Or Intermediate Students For June Attempt Single Or Both Groups candidates.Students are requested to note that from June 2019 Exam onwards, 3 papers of CS Executive New Syllabus would be Multiple Choice Questions and the Exam would be conducted on OMR Answer Sheers.ICSI has discontinued the facility of providing 15 minutes extra reading time before the start of the examination and now the papers would be distributed at the specified time for the commencement of examination.All CS Students are requested to download their Admit Cards for June Exams from the above mentioned Physical Admits cards would not be sent by ICSI.

Please Note: Students are requested to note that the timings for June 2019 CS Exams would be 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon for all the candidates.
The CS Results are usually announced around 25th August for June Attempt candidates
For Foundation
The CS Foundation Exam June 2018 Exam would be held on 6th & 7th June 2019. For more details on CS Foundation June 2019 Exam,
Date Executive New Syllabus
1 June Cost & Management Accounting (OMR Based)
2 June Tax Laws & Practice (OMR Based)
3 June Industrial, Labour & General Laws (OMR Based)
4 June NO EXAM
5 June Company Law
6 June Economic & Commercial Laws
7 June NO EXAM
8 June Company Accounts and Auditing Practices
9 June Capital Markets & Securities Law
10 June NO EXAM
Imp. Instruction Follow Regarding Cs intermediate Exams June Attempt 2019
On downloading the CS Admit Card for June 2015 Exams, every candidate is advised to verify all details mentioned in the admit card i.e. his/her Name, Photograph, Signature, Registration No., Address, Examination Center, Date and Time of Exam etc. In case of any discrepancy, the same shall be brought to the notice of ICSI Institute immediately at 011-33132333
The students should carry with them the Admit Card as well as the Student Identity Card to the Exam Centre in every session regularly for establishing their identity and securing admission to the examination, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
In case, due to any reason, the photograph and signature of the student is not available in the downloaded admit card, the candidate should fix his/her photograph and signature on the Admit Card and get it attested by a Gazetted Officer/ Member of ICSI/ Principal of a recognised school/ manager of a recognised bank with a supporting seal to its authenticity.
For any reason, in case the candidate is not carrying the admit card due to technical/practical problems, they may bring any other photo identity card issued by the Govt departments like Passport, Driving License, PAN Card, Aadhar Card etc. to establish their identity vis-a-vis the particulars appearing in the attendance sheet.
Candidates are allowed to use their own battery operated, noiseless and cordless ordinary calculator with not more than 6 functions, 12 digits and 2 memories. Use of programmable, scientific or printing model of calculator is not permitted or calculators not confirming to the above specifications shall not be permitted.
Candidates will be allowed to enter the Exam Hall 15 minutes before the specified time for the commencement of each exam and occupy their allotted seats in the exam hall. No candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall after 30 minutes of the commencement of exam and leave the exam hall before 60 minutes of the commencement of exam.
Candidates shall write the answers with pen/ball point pen in blue or black ink and in no other color. Writing answers with green or red ink is prohibited.On receiving the Question Paper, every student must write his/her roll no. on top of the question paper in the space provided.
Candidates should not write anything on the Question Paper except their Roll No.
The Attendance Sheets contain the perforated ‘Roll Number Barcode Stickers’ for each day’s paper for each candidate against his/her name. Before signing the Attendance Sheet on each day of examination, the candidate should remove the perforated ‘Roll Number Barcode Sticker’ of that particular paper from the Attendance Sheet and affix the same on the box provided on the right hand upper portion of the cover page of the main Answer Book.
Candidates must attempt questions in accordance with the directions given on each Question Paper. If the questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first upto the required number will be valued and awarded marks and the remaining answer(s) will be ignored.
Answer to each question must be started from a fresh page and all parts/sub-question(s) of that question should be attempted consecutively and that the candidate must clearly and prominently mention respective Question No. at the start of answer.
Candidate must put a cross mark (X) against the respective Question No.(s) attempted by him/her in the appropriate box provided on the cover page of the answer book to indicate that cross (X) marked question(s) have been attempted by him/her.
Hope you like this article of “Company Secretary Executive For June Attempt 2019 Admit Card|Date Sheet “. If you are internet and eligible then follow the below mentioning steps, these steps help you when you are going to download the date sheet from the official website.
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