On Wednesday Afternoon Sudden change of weather in the capital Delhi-NCR observer heavy Dust Storms Combined With light Thundershowers were also witnessed in Noida, Gurgaon, and Faridabad on 11.56 Am start heavy dust storms after 10 minutes start light Thundershowers. Some areas also experienced strong winds in the early hours of the day. The region is expected to experience more dust storms and thundershowers for another 24 to 36 hours. This activity will start reducing from May 14 and is expected to cease by May 16.

Delhi Temprature Heavy Dust Storms With Thundershowers
In addition to this, dusty conditions will also keep night temperatures on the higher side. This is because high level of dust in the air prevents radiation from escaping the surface, thereby causing a rise in temperature.

Wind : E 7 mph
Humidity : 41%
Pressure : 1,008 MB
UV Index : 6 out of 10
Dew Point : 18°
Visibility : 2.5 km
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