There is a new blast by the Facebook,Facebook is always providing the smartest and easiest way to get share something on social. Where you like someone to profile , Know how that feeling, and what do But Now, this time, Facebook getting Something Innovative which is Now Facebook update feature in which any user leave own live video comments on the sharing a Posts by other on the Android, iOS, and The Web.

According to the Facebook : The facebook owner MARK ZUkARBARG said: Now you just forget the typing and just respond to any posts with the videos.
This the new innovation for the response any post with the own creating videos and there everyone know about the live streaming but this time you just reposed of a post by personal creating own video whos posted by your friend .
At a time, the video comment post responses are now only supporting on the desktop, iOS, and Android. According to this latest feature you just click on the camera icon button and then choose the comment section option and then finally you upload your own video On the facebook comment box.
According to the Facebook product engineer “Bob Baldwin” said: You are not able to leave a video comment reply in the every single post and he explains that the facebook new functionality are only used for the posts, event , groups.
Also, Facebook says if you create a video comment for any post when you on the camera button you just complete your video and check out its suddenly post for in that comment box.
Facebook this new awesome features are creating by Facebook’s 50th Hackathon but in the few months this feature ae getting more reliable and simply useful for the everyone.
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