Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) Going to be released this 10th Class/SSC Exam Results. The GBSHSE Results is declared on 10th May 2015 in this year but this exam is conduced on month of march to April. GBSHSE is also knows a complete name Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education and this board conduct every year annual exam of 10th and 12th Class in the month of march-April. Goa Board released his exam result on his official website this is a official announcement announce by official website. After published date sheet on Goa board official website all student ready to studies and give exam on month of march but now this time all ready for exam Results.

GBSHSE SSC/ Class 10th Exam Results Declared
Every year, Lots of students are appearing for the Goa SSC/10th class examinations and this year also large number of students wrote the 10th final public examinations and eagerly waiting for their score card/marks. Last year the result for same was announced on May 10. Students who wrote their paper are advised to submit their Roll Number/Roll Code/Date of Birth (DOB) inscribed in admit card/hall ticket to access their results. Here you can check you results on this article but you carry your important details like roll no, Date of Birth and may more.
About Goa Board of Secondary Education
Goa Board of Secondary and higher Secondary Education is also termed as GBSHSE and was formed in the year 1975. Goa board supports the poor students by providing scholarships. Goa board is responsible for proving the high quality education in Goa and assures that increasing academic, educational skills among the students. Goa board of Secondary education conduct exams, designing SSCHSSC question papers, announces its Goa 10th class results and providing the certificate memos.
Organisation Name: Goa Board of Secondary and higher Secondary Education.
Examination Name: SSC/10th Class Exam
Official Website: goaresults.nic.in.
Exam Date: Exam held on March-April Month
Results: 10th May 2015 (Declared Soon)
How To Download Goa Board Class 10th/SSC Exam Results
- Student firstly go in GBSHSE Board Official Website goaresults.nic.in.
- Their find GBSHSE Result Pager and click it.
- Now enter you details like roll no, Date of Birth and etc.
- Then the result of GBSHSE is appear on your desktop.
- Download/Save this results on your pc.
- Print this result for hard copy and keep it safe.
Candidate can check your result of Goa board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education on this article Goa Board SSC Class 10th Exam Result GBSHSE goaresults.nic.in. We hope this article is helpful for you and you also like this article and appreciated so Don’t be forget to share this article with your Friends and Relatives on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Viber, Tumbler and many others social networking sites. Also Don’t forget to give you feedback in comment box. Be Happy 🙂
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