Hari Raya Puasa is one of the traditional cultures for all the Malaysian and Singapore people which are observed during the festivals of Ramadan. This year’s Hari Raya Puasa is going to celebrate on 24th of may 2020 across the Singapore and Malaysia. Hari Raya Puasa is the special festival for the people of Malaysia and Singapore. It is a public holiday in Malaysia and Singapore. So for all the people who are looking for Hari Raya quotes and wishes, then they can visit our site to get these sms to share with your near and dear once, and do not forget to share this article. Ramadan Eid Mubarak 2020 Images
Hari Raya Puasa Wishes Quotes
U fasted,u prayed, U been good 4 a whole 30 days. So ur merciful ALLAH gave u a sign, Out came the moon 2 say come celebrate. Wish you a Very Happy Hari Raya Puasa 2020.
Shab e Qadr Ki Nishaniyan
[Lailatul Qadr] Ki Rat..
Fakh-Dili Or Khushiyon Ki Rat H.
Ye Rat Na 2 Garm H aOr Na Hi Thandi.
Is Rat Ki Subho Ka Sooraj Intehain Surkh.
Hari Raya And Aidilfitri
I Pray To Allah For You,
May millions of lamps illuminate your life with endless joy,
Today, Tomorrow and Forever.
Allahu Akbar..!
Ied al-fitri is approaching.
Let’s embrace it with pure heart.
From the bottom of my heart,
I would like to ask an apology.
Hari Raya Puasa Images Pictures

Hari Raya Puasa Pictures

Hari Raya Puasa Sms Messages
Selamat Hari Raya
After Congregational Eid Prayer,
Sentiment Reciprocated With Deep
Sense Of Gratitude And Manifestation.
Very Very Happy Aidilfitri To You
And Ur Family.
As You Pray To Allah,
And Offer Your Sacrifices
In The True Spirit Of Eid-ul-adha,
Here’s Hoping That All Your Wishes
Be Fulfilled And Prayers Be Granted!
Aameen & Happy Eid.
Eid Mubarak,
May This Eid Insha’allah
Be A Source Of Immense Blessing
Along With Joy & Happiness For You
And Your Family.
May Allah’s Rahmat
shine upon you and your family on Hari Raya ….
And your home be filled
with happiness and good cheer …
Happy Eid Mubarak Dua SMS Wishes
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