Yesterday, the cheif minister of haryana. Shri Manohar Lal Khattar launch a new electricity scheme called “MHARA GAON – JAGMAG GAON”. From the past years the main problem which was faced by the peoples of haryana is ELECTRICITY problem. Every government came and gone but no one could able to resolve this problem. The BJP governments new Cheif minister of haryana Shri Manohar Lal Khattar take a big step on that problem.

Haryana Launch New Electricity Scheme “MHARA GAON – JAGMAG GAON”
The cheif minister said “rural consumers were currently being supplied electricity for only 12 hours a day. In the first phase of the scheme, 83 feeders had been identified covering 310 villages which had minimum line losses and had paid their electricity bills. Power supply for 15 hours would be ensured in these villages”
The cheif minister insures that the scheme will covers all the villages of haryana rapidly.
The cheif minister said that this scheme will an exta additional burden of 15-20 lakh per village
The cheif minister ensures that the state will supply electricity power to the farmers for their tube wells for eight hours daily.
He also claimed that the state have enough electricity to fulfill present demand.the government also set a target of 400 MW renewable energy till 2020. Now all the steps was we can only see that whats will happen
Is this scheme will successful or have to survive. Because all the past government also try some schemes to fulfill the requirement of electricity but every time fails.
At present time,electricity become the neccessity ,everything needs electricity ,no one can survive without electricity.
The scheme is to provide 24 hr electricity all around the haryana. The scheme still is in their ist phase and only provide 15 hrs of electricity to 310 villages who paid their all dues of electricity bill but The cheif minister said early the work on all faces will start and in final phase the villages have to pay their bill in 5 easy installments, the interest ,penalty should be waived off and the power supply for 24 hrs will provided.
If that scheme will successful then it became a revolution because haryana is not a small state. Haryana is from one of the biggest state of haryana.
This scheme will more beneficial for farmers,in india more than 50% farmers belongs to haryana and if the scheme able to provide them enough electricity then their production will increase and also the growth of hayana as well as their peoples and of course of India.
I just hope this scheme will provide or fulfill the requirement of all the people of haryana.
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