
How does an affair affect a divorce case?

Divorce is not something that anyone wants to deal with. It can tear families apart, make living life difficult, and it can be so hard to adjust to. Taking the time to learn everything you can about your possible divorce can make a huge difference in the process, and Amsberry Law can help. Different Types of Divorce There are two main types of divorce that you might be dealing with. The first is contested. This is a divorce in which one party does not agree to the divorce either in whole, or to any particular part of the divorce that is going on. They may contest the entire divorce, they may not want it to go forward at all, or they may just be contesting one part of the divorce like the division of assets. Even with a contested divorce, you can still move forward with the divorce and get it approved, then just work with both parties to hammer out the details and decide on things like division of assets, alimony, child support and child custody. With a contested divorce, both parties are going to have to appear in court to fight for the divorce to either stop or to go forward. The other type of divorce is an uncontested divorce. These are a bit smoother and do not generally meet with any sort of argument when they reach court. They are often easier to handle and both parties are likely to be happy that the divorce is going through, or at least they are not fighting it. With this type of divorce, you may have all the specifics already hammered out before you ever go into court. If that is the case, the judge handling your divorce might go straight to approve and may not even have to take that long to complete the divorce. In most cases, no matter what type of divorce you and your soon to be former spouse have, you are going to have to complete some form of counseling before your divorce can go through. Depending on where you live, there are likely to be specific things you have to complete in order to go through with a divorce. In most states there is a waiting period where you have to remain fully married before the proceedings can go on. This is to ensure that you really do want the divorce and that you are actually going to be content with the outcome. If you have children, you are going to also have to complete a course that has to do with caring for your children before you can go ahead with the divorce. With any sort of divorce, the proceedings regarding children and child support are going to be taken care of at a different time and in a different court most likely. With divorce proceedings you are going to be handling first and foremost, the dissolution of the marriage, if you have things that you have agreed to, you may also work on details of alimony and division of assets at the same time. Reasons for A Divorce to be Approved With divorce, there does have to be a written reason for the divorce on the divorce documents. If you do not have a reason that is set in stone, in most cases, your lawyer can help find a reason to put on your divorce paperwork that is going to put the divorce through. Most judges are not going to deny a divorce unless there is just some out there reason that was listed or unless there is something else that has not been discussed. The most common reason for divorce is irreconcilable differences. This can relate to nearly anything. From people that simply do not love one another anymore, people that cannot stand one another anymore, or people that simply do not want to be married to one another anymore. This is also often used when there is no real set in stone reason for the divorce in terms of the traditional sense. Another common reason is adultery or cheating. An affair is a huge reason for divorce and many people cite being unfaithful as a main reason for divorce. This means that if one partner, or both in some cases, is having an affair or has had an affair, this is going to be the nail in the coffin so to speak that helps the judge pass the divorce along without much question. This means that if you have had an affair or you can prove that one or both parties have had an affair, that this is going to be a solid reason for divorce and is going to help the divorce go through quite easily. Still another reason that some cite for divorce is abuse or harassment. This is a less common reason but it is still a huge reason that some people are going to be able to use for their divorce. In some cases, this reason for divorce might lead to protective orders, to criminal charges and more. Your lawyer is going to be able to work with you to figure out what the reason for your divorce is going to be and to create a narrative that helps the judge see what you went through and why you might want to end your marriage. It can be so hard to work through a divorce, taking the time to really figure out what you are going to list as a reason for divorce so that you can move the divorce forward quickly. When to Hire a Lawyer? You are not going to be able to represent yourself in the case of a divorce in most cases. You almost always need a lawyer, unless you are a lawyer yourself, so that you can get the help that you need not only to get your divorce filed and passed, but they can also help you with other aspects of a divorce. A divorce is not something that is one note then it is done. A divorce is going to require that you do get a lawyer to help handle the other aspects of dissolving a marriage and of ending a marriage between two people. You have to keep things like division of assets, what is going to happen with your shared home, what is going to happen with shared money and bank accounts, what will happen with children and so on. It is important to take the time to really get with a lawyer that is going to be able to help you work through the issues and work through each and every single part of a divorce that is going to really help you get a good deal and to get a great outcome that works for both. Your lawyer can help you handle things like alimony, child support, child custody, selling and dividing assets, and even things like health insurance and so on. It is so important that you take the time to get a great lawyer that is going to be able to help you get your divorce taken care of so that you can move on and so that you can have a great life without that burden of marriage that you are no longer happy with. The help of a lawyer is going to make an already difficult task, a bit easier and a bit smoother overall. With the help of a great lawyer you can really get your divorce hammered out and you can then start to rebuild your life without the hassle of trying to figure out your own divorce and trying to handle it yourself. Divorce is never pretty, no one goes into a marriage expecting to get divorced. A great lawyer can make the difficult task a bit easier.

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