If You Are Searching How To Prepare CBSE 10th And 12th Board Exams With The right Guidence, Tips, Tricks And Stategies Then You Need To Search On Right Time On the Right Place. Mostly Students Have Many Queries In His Or Her Mind. As you prepare for the Class 10 board exams for the year 2018-19 the exam that will determine which college you attend and the career path you choose you must focus on ways to ease the stress and attempt to formulate a strategy to crack the exams. By now you should be done with the syllabus, and have had revised each chapter. However, it is understandable if you still do not feel confident enough. This is a typical situation that most of tenth graders face during the last months of their academic year. At this point, it is very important to analyse the real cause of this ill feeling and root it out before you sit for your board examinations.

How To Prepare For CBSE Xth Board Exams
Sleep early, get up early in the morning, have a proper breakfast and then study. Do not stay up late or waste time doing something that is counter productive like worrying about what might happen. Take out an hour or two to relax and not think about the exams. Read, sleep, play or do whatever you think diverts your attention away from exams. Exercise you brain in a constructive way, and do not clutter it with a lot of thoughts. Be clear in your mind and do not pressure yourself to cover things that are beyond your reach. Make realistic targets for a day. Even Rome was not built in a day. Do not overdo things. Below mentioned are some important tips when deciding what chapter to study on any given day
Main Concept:-It is rightly said, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”. Nobody can undermine the importance of planning when doing any important task, and if it means preparing for the CBSE (Xth And XIIth Board) exam, you should be even more careful. The Study Plan that will be created for you will be weekly, you will be assigned some chapters to study every week so that you are able to complete your syllabus in time.
Practice Hard:-Don’t forget that only learning chapters will not take you anywhere, it is questions that you need to answer in the final exam. So practice, practice and practice till you are perfect at the chapter and then move ahead.
How To Prepare For CBSE XIIth Board Exams
To Know your strengths and Weaknesses:-You can plan the journey to the destination well if you know the start point. You need to understand your strengths and weaknesses for any test preparation, like you can be strong in Mathematics, average in Physics and totally clueless in Chemistry. This is important because then you will create your plan to turn your weaknesses into strengths and ignore certain weaknesses if they are not important from exam point of you and improve your strengths.
Tips Tricks & Strategies
If you have enough time for the exam, pick a chapter you are weak in and one that is important from the exam standpoint.
Or if you do not have enough time, pick a chapter that you are comfortable, have not practiced enough and that is an important chapter.
Any day give priority to important chapters if you have not revised them or not practiced enough questions on them.
If exams are just approaching, leave out any new chapters because it will create a lot of stress and anyway you cannot master it enough for the exam.
Keep in mind important milestones coming up, like mock tests or school exams, festivals or family functions.
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