The sweet TV series “Swaragini” is going through huge melodrama these days which is worthy enough to gives you Goosebumps anyway. We all know Swara has been arrested with the false allegation and the conspiracy done by Kavita, but Ragini and Sanskar are doing best to save Swara.

Swaragini 18th February 2016 Written Updates
This is now wedding time in the Maheshwari house where the marriage is yet between Sanskar and Kavita, Kavita literally force Sankar to marry her and Kavita promised to Sanskar that if he marry Kavita, then Kavita will be giving proofs of Swara’s innocence. Sanskar says okay to marry Kavita but is sad to do so.
Meanwhile, Swara’s sister Ragini collects all the information and proof against Kavita and gets Swara out of prison. Swara then reaches the wedding venue and open the Ghathbandhan of Sanskar and Kavita. Kavita became angry and shocked. Swara looked on Sanskar and the Maheshwari family. Maheshwari family is very happy to see Swara’s entry.
Sanskar is relief and happy to see Swara’s entry and he literally asked Kavita to get out from the Maheshwari house, Kavita leaved but vow to seek revenge from Swara and Ragini. Sanskaar and Swara finally reunite and the young couple had been seen in their romantic avatar.
Lakshay is also impressing with Ragini and her deeds. Lakshay consider Ragini as hero of the Maheshawri family, Ragini get emotional and Swara embrace her. The Swaragini’s tunes play now!
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