It is expected that Monsoon can hit the Kerala in 3-4 days by a good rainfall in across the country. It is raining in most of the Kerala city.

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and announced that it is expected rain in the Southern part of the country in four to five days. It is good for everyone that Conditions are becoming favorable for those peoples who are getting irritated in this hot summer. Indian Metrological Department has announced this news on yesterday.
Monsoon Rain Update 2016
Kerala is receiving a good patchy pre-monsoon rainfall. Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) announced that Monsoon would strike Delhi by June 1, and it would reach Mumbai and other southern parts of West Bengal between June 12 to 14.
It is expected that Bihar would start receiving monsoon from the middle of this month. The normal monsoon will arrive between June 12 and 14. It is anticipated of a good rainfall this year after two successive droughts.
Everyone started predicting, and it is said that this probability of this forecast is 90% accurate. Well, currently the monsoon is located around the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. IMD director general L S Rathore stated that condition had rife the opening of monsoon over Kerala in four to six days.
So it is confirmed that after that monsoon could stick in the state in four to five days. Punjab, Haryana, eastern Rajasthan, western Uttar Pradesh would receive a good rainfall in the state. South India and central India were expected 107 % of rain. The first forecast in the Kerala state was issued on 12 April.
Earlier Met Department had predicted that monsoon will fall late this time, but this prediction seems to be different. But it reaches to Kerela, and now it is rated be speed. Stay tuned with us for much more information and news from our website.
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