In the last night episode of the TV series Swaragini it has been shown that Ragini was worried and the whole Maheshwari family is also worry. By the way, Ragini is busy trying to solve the problem of the Maheshwari house.

Shekhar and Sharmishtha were feeling proud that they are having daughter like Ragini and son-in-law like Lakshya. Then a flashback was shown that Ragini and Laksahy decided to adopt the unborn kid of the Sumi and Shekhar as they are in mission to secure the unborn kids’ life as apart from Dadi even the Meheshwari family is in no mood to accept the baby as they think that people will be laughing at them.
Swaragini Episode Written Updates
Now Sahil called Swara in a park and he was about to give her the present but at that time Dadi called her on phone and asked her to come home as Ragini is pregnant. Swara left from there as she is super happy to know that Ragini is pregnant and Sahil became angry now.
But Sahil asked Swara to meet with him in the evening as he will be giving her a surprise. Swara and other family members visited Maheshwari house before that Sahil called Swara and asked her to meet for the evening, Swara denied to meet and said sorry. Sahil fumes on anger now.
Swara moved to Ragini’s house where Ragini asked her to stay with her for few days as she is being regent, Ragini needs her sister.
Swara agreed after that Ragini took Swara in her room of which was decorated Swara was glad to see it.
And asked Ragini did she decorate the room for her. Lakshya said that this room is decorated by my brother Sanskar. When Swara hears the same of Sanskar, Swara said we need to go from here as I can’t live with this person.
So now Sanskar will take a unique look and will decide to make Swara recall his love with the new phase of Kishan. So he appear as Kishan and holds Swara as Swara was slip and about to fell down, but Kishan holds her and they had an eye lock.
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