In the last episode of the daily soap Suhani Si EK Ladki it has been shown that Yuvaan was saying that Suhani is my mum and I don’t miss my dad as she is my both mum and dad and my mom is the world’s best mom, she completed her all responsibilities’ so perfectly.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Updates
Pratima said that she is agreeing with Yuvsan and Yuvraaj bring tears on his eyes and he also realised that Yuvaan as his son. Yuvraaj looks at Dadi on anger and recalls that Dadi lies to him. Yuvraaj now seek apologized to Yuvaan and also he says sorry to him.
Now Yuvraaj embraces Yuvaan and Suhnai broken down in tears. Yuvraaj goes to Dadi and gets angry on her. Dadi said that I am responsible for all these and that is why you are angry on me and it is okay.
Yuvraaj asked to Dadi why she did so and Dadi replied to him as she was not having any other option. Suhani told the entire story to Bhavna. Yuvraaj said that I did not even know that my son is alive and it was my right to be aware of my son.
Soumya said that it will be total vain to speak about past, now we should talk about our pleasant future. Dadi said to Pratima that I knew it that this would be happen which will ruin the Birla family. Also Yuvraaj talked to Suhani that whatever happened to them was not good as it separate his own son Yuvaan from him. Suhani replied to Yuvraaj that it is also pity for me that my daughter is calling mum to Soumya.
Precap: Yuvraaj is angry on Suhani and he said to Suhani that, you are no more to me Mrs. Suhani Yuvraaj Birla. Yuvraaj will say to her that for me, you are just Suhani Srivastav. Yuvraaj will be also blows the last Diya of his relationship with Suhani.
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