
Selling House for Cash: 5 Tips to Make Buyers Interested

The sound of selling your house can either get you in a tizzy or can give you butterflies in your stomach for all the right and wrong reasons. Think – renovations, remodeling, repainting, hauling services, emotional attachment. All of which contribute to one major responsibility that can overwhelm the toughest of all homeowners. Are you faint-hearted? Then toughen up because selling your house for cash is either a relieving feat or a disappointing failure.
homeWait, I don’t mean to throw cold water on your excitement about your selling your house. It really doesn’t sound all that bad IF you know the ins and outs of simple home improvements that will most likely add more value to your home and possibly increase more chances of getting viewings, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. After all, more viewings mean more likely buyers, right? I’ve rounded up these top 5 tips to get those buyers on your front door when selling your house for cash.

1   Fix and Clean Your House

The first thing that homeowners would probably assess is the amount of repairing they’re going to be handed over. Buyers are leaning towards a house in tip-top shape than a run-down home which will probably cost them more in repairs. Doing minor repairs before selling is the smartest thing to do. Fix holes in the walls, cracked tiles, ripped carpets, rust-covered pipes, broken knobs, leaking, to name a few. Also get rid of grout, stains, dust, and dirt!

2   Slather Your House with Fresh Paint

To get a fair home offer from buyers, make sure it has a curb appeal on the exterior as well as the interior. A magnetic factor that will lure interested buyers is a beautiful and freshly-painted wall and front door. Some sources say painting your front door black or grey can add a $6,000-value to your home. The façade is everything!

3   De-clutter and Personalize

The moment interested buyers step inside your house, you want to make them feel like they’re ‘at home’ already. Not like they’re in some commercial space or hotel. Try not to barrage viewers with unnecessary furniture that make the spaces small. Give it a personal touch by showing them your favorite area in the house, or better yet, tell them an interesting history about your home.

4   Make Your House Look Pretty

One major factor in selling your home is the staging part. You want to stage your home in a way that makes interested buyers feel homey. A bare house lessens the worth and sentimental value. One of the downside when selling your house in a conventional way is you always have to prepare for every viewing. A little effort will definitely go a long way! Dress your house with wonderful curtains and blinds, put some fresh flowers on the tables or display a fresh fruit bowl on the kitchen countertop, add some personalized picture frames, place some vases and lamps to give that dim-lighted effect for a homier feel. What about light the fireplace and turn on some music? It’s definitely a fail-safe way of giving buyers a good first impression!

5   Do a Kitchen Upgrade

The kitchen is considered the best part of the house. It’s where homeowners spend most of their time early in the morning, during midday, and when everybody comes home from work or school after dusk. And looking at a beat-down kitchen cabinet will shove buyers out on the blink of an eye. Consider refinishing or re-facing existing cabinets, and clean your countertops to make it look shiny and new.

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