In the last night episode of the TV series Swaragini it has been shown that Lakshya was returning money to the goons and Swara saw Sanskar is giving money to the goons. Swara thought that the goons were sent by Sanskar that is why Sankaar is giving money to them. Sahil took away Swara from there.

Swaragini Today Written Updates
Sumi is worry for Swara and Shekhar consoled her for the same. Sanskar was worried for Swara and when he try to reach to Swara, by calling in the Sahil’s mobile, Sanskar found that Sahil’s mobile is the switched off.
Sanskar is worry for Swara and Swara is confusing whether to believe Sanskar or not. Now Sanskar arrive in the Maheshawri house, and he asked for Swara. Sanskar said to the family that still he did not find that Swara.
Then now Sahil came to Maheshwari house with Swara. Sahil scolded Sanskar but Lakshya raised his voice against Sahil when he did so. But Sahil warned Lakshya and Sanskar to stay away from Swara as Swara need some rest right now.
Lakshya asked everyone in the family to do not talk about Swara. Parineeta thought that who was behind this act? Summi is wory for Swara and Swara arrived and she asked to Summi that how she can get married her daughter with a person who wants to kill her.
Swara thinks that her family want her to get married with Sanskar but she said that her life is in risk from Sanskar so she can’t be with Sanskar anymore.
Ragini somehow manages Swara to get ready to arrive in the Maheshawri house and Ragini asked to her that by going on the Sasural of Ragini, Swara can have some changes and she will be also feeling good there.
Swara firstly refuse but when Ragini insists her, Swara gives her nod and now she makes a grand entry on the Maheshwari house to know that Sanskar decorates the house but Swara left unaffected with the name of Sanskar.
In fact, Swara asked to Ragini that she will be anyhow going to Baadi as she can’t lie with Sanskar as she is having risk from him. Sanskar hears these all conversations of Swara and Ragini.
Sanskar announced that Swara can stay in the Mahseshwari house freely as he will be going from the house but Sanskar decided to stay in the in a new identity which is Kishan’s identity.
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