Suhani handovers Papers to Somya. Next morning, Yuvaani came outside without applying moisturizer Dadi becomes concerned. SUhani becomes happy with this. Somya is worried as Yuvaani is going far from her. Ragini traduces Somya and asks to change the target. Dadi orders Suhani to go back before Yuvraaj came back. She doesn’t want Yuvraaj and Yuvaan come closer as this will ruin her family.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Updates
Ragini influences Somya to target Yuvaan. Somya talks with Yuvaan and tries to make him homesick. Suhani asks Pratima that if she also thinks about her same way. Pratima asks her to concentrate on Yuvaani.
Somya tries to mislead Yuvaan and make him scared by telling him a fake story. Ragini calls everybody outside and asks to play Hide and Seek. Yuvaani and Suhani decide to find everyone. Somya asks Yuvaan to hide in the store room. Yuvaani and Suhani became good friends. Dadi scolds Pratima to let Suhani came closer to Yuvaani.
Yuvaan is hidden in the store room, someone grab a hand in his mouth as he tries to shout. He scares Yuvaan and Ragini locks the door from outside. The ghost takes a promise from him to go back. Suhani hears some noise. Ragini stops her. That ghost is no one else but Somya.
Ragini affirms that now Yuvraaj will not stay here, Somya feels bad for him. Yuvaan asks Suhani to leave the house. Suhani asks Somya what she said to her son? Somya pretends to be innocent. Yuvaan is still fearful. He claims that Somya made him afraid. Ragini explains to protect Somya. She changed the topic and successfully protect her.
Suhani apologizes. She asks for a favor from Somya.
Someone is standing in Angel’s attire, Yuvaan wakes up and sees her astounded.
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