Somya tries not to let Yuvraaj and Suhani meet. But she is unaware of Sharad’s plan. Sharad talks with Suhani via Somya’s phone that he planned a surprise for Pratima and asks her to stay outside the house. Suhani pretends like there is an emergency and they have to go back. Somya went inside with Yuvaani and Krishna where they meet Yuvraaj.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Updates
Sharad asks Dadi to bless him for what he is going to do, She blesses him. Pratima takes Suhani and Yuvaan inside. Ragini saw this. Pratima asks Yuvaan to freshen up, Suhani helps him. Rags tell Dadi Suhani is inside. Yuvraaj and Suhani are in the bathroom but haven’t seen each other yet.
Sharad claims that she will always fail and will always fail. He says he did this to let Yuvraaj meet Yuvaan. Yuvraaj slips off and Suhani holds him. Both are standing under the shower hugging each other. Yuvraaj is shocked to see her. Both are sentimental. Suhani thinks it all just a dream but it is a reality.
Suhani hugs Pratima as she is overwhelmed. Yuvraaj is angry. Pratima left them alone. Suhani says if she knows he is coming then she would left. He asks why she came? Yuvraaj goes with children. Somya apologizes with Suhani as she came between them but this is just a trick. Suhani consoles him. Dadi scolds Pratima to do this.
Yuvraaj shows what he brought for the children. Yuvraaj meets Yuvaan and says he doesn’t have a father. Yuvraaj goes to meet his mother as he doesn’t know Suhani is his mother. Suhani decides to go back. Yuvaan introduces his mother with Yuvraaj.
Yuvraaj asks Suhani why she didn’t tell him about Yuvaan? She asked the same question for Yuvaani. They argue.
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