The last night episode of the TV series Suhani Si Ek Ladki starts with Yuvraaj saying my son will not go anywhere. Kids come there. Dadi says that she wants to talk with Yuvraaj. Pratima try to explain this to the Dadi that this is not right time to speak with him.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Episode Written Update
Yuvaan gets Golu there and they were busy playing there. Bhavna also come there and Sharad smiles. Rags and Soumya get worried. Pratima hugs Bhavna and Golu hugs Sharad. Sharad says you did not tell me about your coming. Golu says I wanted to surprise you. Rags arrive in order to greet Bhavna.
Dadi says that Bhavna should meet with Suhani but she should be on later. Bhavna also have a grand entry in the Birla house where Pratima and Dadi asked her to stay for at least one night and Saumya thinks that Suhani must feels bad if we only greet Bhavna and Saumya thinks that Suhani will be also feels that how Bhavna suddenly come here.
Now Dadi asked Suhani to come for the Puja and Aarti and Suhani says okay and Dadi says that she call Bhavna here suddenly as she wanted to show this to Suhani that when she suddenly leave the Birla house and Birla family, what phase we go through and I want to make her realised our pain.
In the mean time, after the Puja done Yuvraaj asked her to go close with Yuvasni but Yuvsani is keep calling Suhani aunty and Saumya mother. Suhani try to embrace Yuvaani when she was coming but Yuvaani embrace Saumya first and she call Suhani aunty.
In the mean time, Yuvraaj want to have Yuvaan in his life and he is doing best to have the Yuvaan’s custody from Suhani. But Pratima goes to Yuvraaj. Now Pratima says to Yuvraaj that Suhani did not know you wanted to meet Yuvaani, but you want to snatch Yuvaan from Suhani and I am sure you will be fail to do so as for Yuvaan, his mother Suhani is everything to him.
Precap: Suhani and Yuvraaj argue. Suhani says Yuvaan is my son, and she also challenged to Yuvraaj that you can’t snatch my son from me.
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