The yesterday episode of the TV series Suhani Si Ek Ladki begins with Suhani was in the kitchen and she prepared juice for Yuvraaj, this gesture of Suhani for Yuvraaj makes Sambhvav angry but somehow Suhani manages to feed the juice to Yuvraaj.

Suhani Si Ek Ladki Today Episode Written Updates
Sambhav is now fuming on anger as he thinks that Suhani and Yuvraaj are having proximity but Yuvraaj afterwards drinking the juice he realised that somehow everybody is angry at him and he thinks that this is all because of Suhani.
He now wonders that why Suhani is in the process to make the Birla family against him to see that Yuvaani and Krishna come to him to speak with him and Yuvraaj is happy to see the kids. Now kids discuss with him about Pratima.
Sambhav is now thinking about Suhani and how to make her happy as now for Sambhav, Suhani’s happiness matter the most and she is now dream of getting married with her ASAP. But Yuvraaj is not happy with the wedding of Suhani with Sambhav.
And Suhani’s wedding with Sambhav makes him upset and when Pankaj asked him why he is upset as Pankaj sense the same, Yuvraaj avoids giving reply of it, instead, he rushes to the office.
In the office eventually Yuvraaj confesses to Pankaj that he is upset and sad as Suhani is all set to marry Sambhav and he feels that Suhani cheated on him. On that note, Pankaj consoles him and he comes to home now where he plays with Yuvaani and Krishna.
While playing he wanted to put some water on the kids and on this process by chance he throws a bucket full water on Suhani which makes her bridal dress totally wet and even her Sindoor from the Maang also totally wipe-out because of the source of water. Suhani is shocked now.
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