Case proceeds, Swadheenta asks questions from the main cop in the case who shooted Assad. Swadheenta proves that Arvind was present on the spot at the time of the blast. Yash is worried as if Swadheena will prove his statement to be false. She requests the judge to take a decision in Assad’s justice.

Dehleez Episode Written Updates
Yash and Swadheenta have a talk. Swadheenta says she suspects his witness and she will prove him wrong in the court. Suhasini also asks him as she also suspects the police report and his witness.
Suhasini says she just want justice whether whoever win the case, she just wants the truth revealed. Manohar gets a call from the minister, Jaydev also goes with him.
The minister shows him a report which concludes the facts relating to the case. This is all done as Swadheenta’s stated facts creates a pressure.
According to the report, there are so many proves in favor of Haider and Assad. This can not be neglected and the police force committed the mistake in which an innocent person was dead in this.
The minister asks him to hide the truth as this will ruin the image of both. Manohar asks Jaydev to go home.
Jaydev is about to tell Jaya about the meeting with the minister but meanwhile, he got a call from Manohar and he asks him to cover up the matter and not to reveal the truth to anyone.
Jaya brings a black thread for Jaydev which will guide him for every right thing in life. Simi asks Suhasini when the case will over. Manohar came in and lies with Suhasini. Manohar decides to seal the truth.
Suhasini says to Swadheenta that they don’t have any enmity with her family but all the proves are against Haider and Assad.
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