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This girl did not follow any diet and still lost 19 kgs

The teenage-that’s often regarded as the toughest time in an individuals’ life. This is not only because these fragile years involve hormonal changes but also as these changes when coupled with a hostile environment can wreak havoc on the happiness and peace of mind of an individual.

This girl did not follow any diet and still lost 19 kgs

One of our readers, Kriti actually sees very same kind of the teenage issues in her life. Being an overweight teenager give her reason to be depressed and tensed sometimes.

But one day after she joined college, her own mother suggested her to do so, and now something happened with her which is turn to be the turning point of her life and it also changed her life: dance classes.

This life-changing decision made her fit and fine by which she received a perfect fit body which also kicked out depression and tensions from her life.

Here’s her journey.

Name: Kriti Sarna

Occupation: Student

Age: 22 years

Highest weight recorded: 72 kilos

Weight lost: 19 kilos

Duration took me to lose weight: 1 year

The turning point: During my teenage days, I gained a plenty of the weight and I turned to be the victim of the body shamed from people. The post I completed my 12th; I shifted to Mumbai for a Bachelor’s degree. Even here I was not spared and because of my weight issue, I used to feel embarrassed on seeing the people around me.

One day while I was cribbing about my weight to my mom, she told me that instead of cribbing, I must do something to get rid of my overweight.

So I joined dance classes, where, I used to visit daily, in order to practice e dances, these dance classes changed my life and me losses a plenty of the weight.

My breakfast: Eggs/overnight soaked oats/fruits/daliya

My lunch: A salad bowl filled with veggies, chickpeas, kidney beans, hummus, cottage cheese with chapati/fish and rice. A glass of chaas is a must. It helps to control the craving for having a dessert post lunch.

My dinner: 
Dal-rice/grilled chicken with a bowl of spinach/veggies and eggs/chicken, rice and a glass of milk before sleeping.

Snacks: Fruits/dry fruits/protein bars/smoothies and coconut water. I also drink black coffee as my pre-workout drink and protein shake as my post-workout drink.

I indulge in: She actually eats lots of chocolate

My workout And THE fitness secret: Firstly, I dance. It is the best thing for both your mind and body. It makes you feel happy which help to glow the skin. On Sundays, I prefer doing yoga and meditation which help me to make our mind relax my mind and body.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by I love and prefer to take Homemade salads and a plenty of fruits.

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