
Tips on Writing an Essay For An Exam

Although writing an excellent essay is an art, it is the creativity and innovation of the writer that entirely relies on his or her writings. If someone has the writing skills and creativity, the essay comes out to be the best among the group. But if someone doesn’t have the required expertise or knowledge how to write a beautiful and compressive article especially at the time of exams when it is most needed, it is entirely okay to take help from the experts and learn some fun tips and tricks for writing essays in reviews.


For most of the students, essay writing is the most challenging task because it deviates their mind entirely from their regular day to day works and they have to concentrate solely on one specific topic. During such circumstances, the students do find themselves pressurized and feel jammed because of the numerous classes that they have to attend for making different types of assignments on a regular basis.

Essay writing consumes a lot of time, and students often find this job quite dull and uninterested in participating in it. Some students like to avail the benefits of learning how to learn and write comprehensive essays to enhance their knowledge in this field. Here is a list of useful and fulfilled strategy for writing articles in exams in a better way.

10 Minutes in the Beginning

You will get a specified amount of time to complete an essay. Try to focus on spending not more than ten rough minutes in making decisions, planning, and thinking how to structure the essay. You might think that this is a tremendous amount of time that would be deducted from the total time frame and is unnecessary, but it is the time well spent.

In the end, you will realize that this has saved your overall timing as you complete all your planning and plotting at the beginning of the time frame provided and enabling you to spend all the rest of your time only in progressive writing and not on thinking anymore.

Spend Time to Understand the Topic

The first thing while starting with an essay is to read the topic correctly and understand the requirements in detail. Most of the time students just learn the issue once and then start with the writing. You are asked about any specific information about a topic to make an essay, not on all the information you have about the issue. Thus, it is essential to understand the question first and then begin the writing process.

Brainstorming Helps!

Once you go through the question correctly, you need to recall everything you know about the topic and jot it down before you forget on a rough paper. It doesn’t have to be clean or bulleted, merely put the important ones that will undoubtedly help you later while making the actual essay. Then you can look at those points and organize your writing in a better way.

Write To The Point

When you get to know about the things that the topic demands and when you have the particular points to mention, you can begin with your writing and perhaps do some thinking here. You need to concentrate and create the mainline of the discussion that will help you provide a strengthening backbone of your entire essay. Once you have finished thinking, you can jot your ideas down on the main sheet to form the introduction paragraph.

Planning How to Write

When you finish writing your introduction paragraph, you have to organize the mess that your brain has created while brainstorming into a well-mannered essay. Here you have to look for whether you are asked about the thematic or the chronological approach only then begin with your writing.

If the question demands causes needed to be evaluated or for a brief discussion that involves both the sides of the debate, once you get a general idea of the overall topic, you need to think of how to frame the article paragraph wise. Group your ideas including any more new plan relevant to the question that might be helpful for you in planning. Try to naturally link the items to make the content flow exciting and engaging.

Grab the Examiner’s Attention

Your essay would be piled on with hundreds of other articles from different students in the examiner’s desk. There is no doubt in it that the essay examiners chosen wisely, and only the best is appointed that reads every essay with excellence. It is considered to give a helping hand to the examiner in making the reading a little more comfortable for them. Some of the ways through which you can help the examiner in reading and grading the content are listed below:

  • Make your introduction paragraph the most interesting of all and the first two sentences should be eye-catching. Show the examiner that you have a firm knowledge of the answer and that you have a valid content and a worth reading one.
  • Have a good writing flow with each paragraph dealing with essential factors, bulleted points or main points appropriately listed in a neat manner; this is something that will attract the examiner’s attention.
  • Try to make the entire custom essay smooth and easy to read. Make sure that the paragraphs you have a general link with one another that will engage the reader or the examiner and help you get good marks.
  • You need to end your essay with a snappy summary which should include all the key points and end with clean and bright content. A better and well-versed ending will grab the attention of the examiner and help him memorize your material while giving marks.

Writing a brief essay needs the writer to know what he or she is writing. It is all about innovative and catchy writing. While writing an article, having a provocative argument is not needed, you need to be aware of the details and be able to restore all the analytical aspects with required information that ask the question.

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