James & Alice is good drama movie also I think this type of movies came between from society because movie has catchy story plot and that’s good and I am sure that this type of story plot going to be a good deal for the makers as well as for the audiences but nothing happened like that even people didn’t liked story plot.

James and Alice Box Office Collection
Malayalam Movie James and Alice has good buzz from the day one but after receiving mix reviews from the critics people diverted because in Region cinema they have lots of options to watch this week and they don’t want to Invest their money on bad movies.
James & Alice is a 2016 Malayalam film starring Prithviraj Sukumaran and Vedhika in Sujith Vasudev’s directorial debut and I can bet that he going to be the finest director in upcoming days. James & Alice is filmed and story written by Vassudev himself. Music was composed by Gopi Sunder. The movie was released on May 5, 2016.
First five days box office collection of the movie-
People had not that good buzz towards the movie and from the very first day people diverting towards another recent releases and they don’t want to invest their money on any bad movie that’s why movie didn’t opened that good like expected form the movie.
Movie collected between 0.77 crore from the very first day of release and collected between 1.00 crore from the Saturday. Movie totally collected between 2.20 crore from the very first weekend and that’s not that good for the makers.
Also because people have options I don’t think they going to watch this movie in upcoming days and that’s exactly happened with movie and movie only collected between 0.88 crore from the Monday and 0.92 crore from the Tuesday and that’s not that good movie collected between 3.80 crore after six days and that’s not that good.
I don’t think that movie going to recover in upcoming days because people didn’t liked the story plot of movie a lot and also I think this movie has not that good direction and that became threat for the movie.
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