The last night episode of the TV series Tashan-e-Ishq begins with Twinkle was having dinner with Yuvi and he is busy staring her. Twinkle asked him if he wants to say something but he says nothing.

Tashan-e-Ishq Episode Written Updates
Twinkle say thank you to Yuvi for coming in the dinner as she can’t bear ill-mannered and arrogant boxer Rocky Singh. Yuvi asks her not to think about Rocky, instead, she should focus on the delicious cuisine she is having.
Twinkle further says that she is feeling bad for Pallavi as Pallavi is the girlfriend of Rocky Singh but how can any person falls in love with Rocky Singh. Yuvi explains to her that whenever we fall in love with any person since that person became a priority for us, not his or her nature.
Twinkle responses in a cool manner and Yuvi gives her flowers and they have now some quality time together. But somehow Kunj aka Rocky Singh arrived there and fumes on anger to see Twinkle’s proximity with Yuvi.
He takes a gun and points it to Yuvi and Twinkle screams to see so and Pallavi arrived there and she asked that now it is Rocky Singh is only having fun with a gun as he is a sporty person.
Now Rocky Singh asked Twinkle to have dinner but Twinkle say to him that my dinner is done with my husband Yuvi and now we need to leave. You guys carry on.
Kunj is feeling jealous now but manages to hold his emotion. He then asked Twinkle to have coffee and Twinkle and Yuvi both give the nod and when Kunj asked her to speak something about Yuvi, she praised him a lot.
Kunj is fuming on anger and left the table and somehow the coffee now pours over the dress of Twinkle and Twinkle asked Pallavi that I need to change my dress. Pallavi asked her to change the dress in her room.
Twinkle went in the bed room and she is about to change her dress but electricity goes off; Twinkle is shocked and scared now. Rocky Singh arrived there silently and holds Twinkle from back.
Twinkle feel something special and the light comes out. Rocky is s hocked to see her and asked her what she is doing here. Twinkle is scared now and speechless.
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