
What Is Lion’s Mane, and Why Is It Good for Your Nervous System?

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are loved for numerous reasons, not least their adorable, shaggy appearance. They are commonly used in cooking, utilized as a substitute for seafood, thanks to their texture and crab-like flavor. They can be expensive, so you may see them commonly featured on high-end restaurant menus. However, lion’s mane (or Hericium erinaceus) has also featured in Chinese medicine for centuries. It has become a popular supplement since consuming lion’s mane mushroom capsules every day is more realistic and practical than cooking with it on a daily basis. One of the reasons it is considered a medicinal mushroom is its impact on the nervous system. Read on to learn how lion’s mane can benefit the nervous system.

What Is Lion's Mane, and Why Is It Good for Your Nervous System?

What Are Lion’s Mane Mushrooms?

Lion’s mane mushrooms are a species of mushroom native to North America, Europe, and Asia. It is also called the monkey head mushroom or bearded hedgehog mushroom. Its monikers are obvious when you see its hairy, white appearance. These mushrooms commonly grow during the summer and fall on hardwood trees such as beech. It is known as a saprophytic mushroom because it primarily feeds on dead trees, though it may also be found on living trees. Lion’s Mane mushrooms are packed full of antioxidants and beta-glucans, both of which can promote healthy living in different ways. These beneficial compounds have led them to become famous for a variety of medicinal purposes. Their pleasant flavor has made them available for culinary consumption, but they can also be consumed in the form of tea, capsules, or powders.

Using Lion’s Mane for the Nervous System

Lion’s mane has the potential to speed up recovery in the nervous system. Although studies on lion’s mane are few and far between, there are some research papers investigating its uses for the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and a variety of nerves throughout the body. Injuries to the brain, spinal cord, and nerves can be severely damaging to the body, with brain and spinal injuries taking a long time to heal. While lion’s mane cannot heal these injuries alone, its extracts could speed up the process. In one study from 2015, the extract was found to stimulate neurite growth in dissociated cells in the nervous system. This particular study was performed in vitro. In another study, researchers administered lion’s mane to rats with a crush injury to the peroneal nerve. The extract reduced recovery time by up to 41%.

Finally, researchers in Taiwan administered lion’s mane to rats immediately after a stroke. The extract decreased levels of inflammation and reduced the size of stroke-related injuries by 44%. To date, there have been no human studies. More research is therefore required to determine how useful lion’s mane could be for nervous system injuries. That said, results are promising so far.

What Else Can Lion’s Mane Do?

Lion’s mane has numerous other potential benefits. Once again, many of these effects must be studied on humans, but animal models have proven effective so far in many instances. The anti-inflammatory properties of lion’s mane mushrooms allow them to have multiple other effects. For example, its ability to reduce inflammation in the brain can reduce some symptoms of depression and anxiety in mice. There is also evidence that these mushrooms could reduce the risk of heart disease and protect against stomach ulcers.

Hopefully, renewed interest in functional mushrooms and their impact on health will spark more significant research in this area. With more research on human participants, it may be possible to clear the air once and for all regarding whether lion’s mane mushroom can have these effects.

Final Thoughts on Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Lion’s mane mushrooms are exciting for numerous reasons. Whether you enjoy them for their culinary uses or their potential health benefits, you can’t deny that this fungus is a fascinating species. It has a lot of potential in the health arena, which practitioners of Eastern medicine have known for decades. Western science is only just beginning to understand these effects. Part of the research focuses on lion’s mane’s effects on the nervous system, with studies indicating that it could be used to speed up recovery.

Although nothing is 100% certain, seminal results are exciting. For now, those seeking to try lion’s mane mushrooms for themselves can buy the species fresh from some high-end markets. It’s much more cost-effective and straightforward, however, to take capsules or powders. Thankfully, such products are now readily available on the market from high-quality brands like VidaCap.

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