
Who Was Lesley Trotter? Brisbane Retired Teacher Found Dead in a Wheelie Bin Near Toowong

Today we are sharing some inferior news. Lesley Trotter was found dead. This news comes from Queensland. A 78-year lady is dead. How was it possible? Who killed a beautiful lady Lesley Trotter? What happens to her? She was a retired teacher in a school. Her body was found in the wheelie bin. Their body picked up by a garbage truck and brought to a disposal facility. The garbage man calls the police and tells them about her. they said they found a dead woman’s body.

Who Was Lesley Trotter?

On 27 March, at 12 pm Queensland police believe Lesley Trotter, 78, died. The following day after finding blood near her unit complex bins in the west Brisbane suburb of Toowong last Friday.
Police think that the body of a missing retired teacher from Brisbane was thrown in the garbage.
After the investigation, police identified a possible location for the leftover of Lesley Trotter, 78, and declared her dead. Detective Superintendent Andrew Massingham. Police said clearly they did not have a suspect.

Who Was Lesley Trotter?

According to ongoing ingestion, the dead lady’s body was found in a general garbage wheelie dustbin on Maryvale Street in Toowong, because she lived nearly to this location. On 28th March of this year, in the morning. According to the Massingham, like every day a garbage truck comes and collects waste. They do the same thing in the morning, they carried it to the waste transfer station in Nudgee. Massigham explained, they dumped into a pit, all the rubbish. They notice something and checked they see a dead body. Last Monday, Massingham tells all the information about what they saw. They explained 22 trucks visited that side on Tuesday.

After the police investigate the location of that rubbish and are now quarantined. In fact, this area was quarantined over the week. Police are investigating this case but still no more information about this case. They found the strongest evidence in the case from Massingham. Her family member was expecting her to come back but they heard this news and get shattered. This is very shocking news for her family. All these happened suddenly. Police have tried their best the investigation and catch the criminal as soon as possible and I also hope his criminal is caught soon. We can share all the information about this case.

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