The last night episode of the TV series “Suhani Si Ladki” starts with Yuvraaj was sitting sad. He imagines Suhani. She says you will see me everywhere, as I m in your heart. He asks why you not came to meet me. She says ask your heart, can I leave you and go. He says that’s why I m saying, come back. She says I m here with you, the one who stay in heart does not go.
Yuvraj is now wishing to see Suhani and want her to comeback. Yuvraj is thinking that Suhani is saying that I’m disappearing so it is truth. You have to accept the truth. He is now keeping thinking about Suhani. He is looking forward a way to have Suhani back in his life.

Now Barbie apologizes to Dadi. Dadi says Suhani is someone’s daughter, sister and…. Barbie says it was an accident and cries. Dadi says I know it’s not your mistake. Yuvraaj knocks door and comes there. Dadi says you here… Yuvraaj says the day Suhani disappeared, I got a message, she wanted to tell me something about Barbie, what was that? He asks Barbie to answer that to him.
Barbie said it was nothing like that actually I had a stomach-ache. Suhani took me to clinic, I was scared and I told her that I m not ready for surrogacy right now and it is actually spoils Suhani’s mood. She cries and says it was weak moment for me, I m sorry, this guilt will always be there in my heart. He leaves. Dadi asks will Yuvraaj get fine. Barbie says give some time.
Bhavna has been seen worry for Suhani and she said to Ramesh that I don’t want her room to be mess unless when she will be comeback she will be scolding me. Ramesh and Bhavna both cry and became emotional eventually when Yuvraj looked on them.
Pratima tell to Golu that very soon Suhani will be comeback and Yuvraj is constantly thinking about Suhani. Barbie sees Yuvraaj upset and asks him to have food. He says I m not hungry. Pratima consoles Yuvraj when he was worry for Suhani.
Next day, Barbie gives juice to Yuvraaj. Dadi insists and makes him drink the juice. He leaves for office. Later, they all sit to do Shanti Puja. Pratima stops Ramesh from putting garland on Suhani’s photo. She takes the Akhand Jyot and keeps there in front of the Suhani’s picture.
Now Yuvraj went to the jungle and cry Suhani’s name but all goes vain as he didn’t find Suhani. Yuvraj cries now. Suddenly the family get to know that Barbie is pregnant and they all being very happy and believed that Suhani is coming now through Barbie’s baby as this baby is the Suhani’s Ansh. It will be Suhani’s next birth.
Precap: now Dadi asks Yuvraaj did he hear that Barbie is pregnant, she gave big news, are you not happy. Suhani is treated in the hospital.
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