
5 Natural Ways To Improve Your Vision

Our eyes are one of the most used organs in our body. In today’s world, our eyes are on a screen right from the morning till we get to bed. The screen, maybe our phone, PC, laptop or TV, all are equally harmful for us. For some of us who have to work don’t really have a choice. However, this doesn’t indicate that we should not take care of our eyes.

With all this constant looking at the screen we damage our eyes. For those who don’t have spectacles may get one and for those who already have they face more problems. Our eyes get rest only when we sleep. We barely take care of our eyes until we start having trouble. Here we have 5 natural ways to improve your vision. Take a while and consider the following for your eyes.

Rest Your Eyes

Resting your does not only mean sleeping. We spend our entire day looking at the phone screen or television screen or computer screen. All this may deteriorate your vision. Our eyes work more than they can at a stretch. There is a limit for how much strain falls on your eyes all the time.

By resting we mean that we don’t constantly keep looking at the screen. Give your eyes breaks. Even if the break is for just ten minutes, it’s alright. It is said that it is helpful if you look away from your screen after every 20 minutes for a while. This won’t let a lot of strain come on your eyes.

When you don’t give breaks to your eyes, you will feel the discomfort. Your eyes start to feel heavy, become watery or in some cases itchiness, all this is followed by a headache. Most of you can relate to these discomforts. To prevent all these discomforts it’s better to rest your eyes in a timely manner and so improve your vision.

Consume The Vital Vitamins

Just like how our body needs food for energy, the same is for our eyes. Make sure that your diet is inclusive of all the essential vitamins that help to enhance your vision and maintain your eye health. Vitamins like A, E and C are the most important ones. They help maintain your eye health.

Other than these vitamins comes minerals like zinc. Even so, omega 3 is essential for your healthy vision. We’re listing the foods which contain all these necessary vitamins and minerals that you shall include in your diet for a healthy vision.

  • Sweet potato
  • Broccoli
  • Orange
  • Red bell pepper
  • Pumpkin
  • Papaya
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Cantaloupe
  • Almonds
  • Avocado
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Kiwi
  • Flax seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Salmon
  • Legumes
  • Mushroom

Protect Your Eyes

When you work in an area where there might be any damage or injury to your eyes be careful. There are instances like when you’re drilling something or anything of that sort, you may injure your eye. In such situations it is necessary that you wear the appropriate protection like safety goggles or some shield.

When you protect your eyes you in turn protect them from damaging your vision. Also when you have exposure to the sun, use sunglasses. You may not realize the harm that the UV rays do to your eyes. So, make sure to wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun.

Use Organic Medication

There are also medicines available to improve your vision and keep your eye healthy. However, we always recommend that one should go for natural or organic medicines. These medicines are best because they do not have any side effects as they are natural.

Organic medicines are always a better option to choose. Medicines like iFocus are one of the alternatives for an organic way to improve your vision. All these medicines consist of the natural extracts of the elements that work on the betterment of eye health and vision.


The retina of our eyes have carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin which are very important for the protection of that area. Include the following mentioned food in your diet and improve your vision. The below mentioned just is of foods that are rich in carotenoids.

  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Kale
  • Corn
  • Turnip greens
  • Broccoli
  • Green leafy vegetables

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