Author: Sahil Saini
How to Open a Savings Account Online for Students
As a student, managing your finances can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’re saving for the future, managing your pocket money, or dealing with daily expenses, having a savings account is essential. Fortunately, opening a savings account online is straightforward, and with digital banking becoming increasingly popular, you can now open one from the…
The Role of Option Chains in Trading Strategies
Option chains are essential tools in the world of options trading. They provide traders with a wealth of information about available options contracts for specific underlying assets. In fact, most traders claim to have used option chains to refine their trading strategies. But what is it anyway? It is an exhaustive listing of all the…
The Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds: Why They Might be Right for You
The assets under management (AUM) of the Indian mutual fund industry have witnessed a seven-fold increase in a span of 10 years, rising from ₹9.59 trillion in September 2014 to ₹₹67.09 trillion in September 2024. Mutual fund investments bring several benefits to the table, contributing to their rising popularity. There are multiple reasons why they…
Top 5 IPOs to Watch: Major Players Expected to Go Public in 2025
The Indian IPO market is expected to witness significant activity in 2025, with companies from various sectors preparing to come out. They are a way for businesses to raise funds and a golden opportunity for the investor in the hands of a promising venture. Technology, retail, healthcare, financial services, and renewable energy companies are now…
How to Determine Your Loan Eligibility for Personal Loans
Knowing whether you qualify for a personal loan before submitting your application can help you avoid complications such as rejections or high interest rates. When determining personal loan eligibility, lenders look at several factors, including your creditworthiness, financial stability, location, income and age. Understanding these factors can not only help get an idea of your…
Demat Account Statement: How To Understand, A Comprehensive Guide
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Dеmat Account Statement Dеmat accounts form the lifеlikе of trade in thе stock markеt. They act as repositories of all your securities, sharеs, debentures, bonds, and mutual funds, facilitating their sale and purchase· Chеcking your Dеmat account statеmеnt is similar to monitoring your bank account, with dеbit and crеdit…
Two-Wheeler Loan: How To Apply, Complete Guide
Understanding Two Wheeler Loans: Your Complete Guide In India, two-wheelers have emerged as a reliable solution for individuals who need to travel every day. They’re quite useful to get around narrow streets and busy areas. However, buying a two-wheeler may be tough for many people, especially middle-class people. That’s where two-wheeler loans come in…
“Travel Now, Pay Later’ Demand- Youth Propel 2.5x Surge
Youth Propel 2.5x Surge In ‘Travel Now, Pay Later’ Demand According to media sources, a recent survey done by Fibe, India’s biggest fintech business, in cooperation with travel fintech startup SanKash, found a stunning 2.5-fold growth in demand for the ‘Travel Now, Pay Later’ (TNPL) option over the previous year. The survey reveals a strong…
A Comprehensive Guide- Choose The Perfect Class Of Indian Railway
Choosing the Perfect Class for Your Indian Rail Journey – A Comprehensive Guide Most visitors opt for Second or 2 AC when travelling overnight. This class is popular among Indian middle-class families, providing comfort and affordability at the same time. If 2 AC is sold out, 3 AC is another alternative, offering similar amenities with…
‘Tips to Choosе thе Right Brokеr – A Complеtе Guidе’
‘Tips to Choosе thе Right Brokеr – A Complеtе Guidе’ Choosing a trustworthy and rеliablе brokеr is еssеntial for making sound financial decisions. Whеthеr you arе invеsting in stocks, forеx, or cryptocurrеnciеs, thе right brokеr can significantly influеncе your succеss. With more than 4,000 SEBI-rеgistеrеd stock brokеrs, еach providing a distinct set of services and…
Cracking the Code: Chris Lischewski, Former Bumble Bee CEO
Cracking the Code: Chris Lischewski, Former Bumble Bee CEO, shares the Secret to Unlocking Competitive Advantage Recently, former Bumble Bee CEO renowned for his unique brand of transformative leadership has unveiled 7 unique secrets or mantras to success in today’s hyper-competitive landscape. After emphasizing the importance of defining mission and vision, Chris Lischewski lays out…
Best Bike Insurance Online
How to Choose the Best Bike Insurance Online in India? Two-wheelers are the most purchased and used vehicle type in India. Affordability and convenience are the two primary reasons behind their popularity. Buying bike insurance is an integral part of the bike purchasing process. The fundamental question here is: Is insurance mandatory for bikes? Yes!…