
Can People Trade with Other Assets Apart from Crypto?

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are what people think about when someone talks about trading. However, not many people know other cryptocurrencies apart from Bitcoin, let alone other digital assets such as NFTs or CFDs.

Can People Trade with Other Assets Apart from Crypto?

If you are looking forward to diversifying your revenue sources, you need to understand the other options available for you on the market.

Whether they are physical or digital assets, learning more about them helps you understand how the market works and make better predictions in the future. Regardless of that, we don’t recommend you trade with all the assets you find online if you are new to trading.

Yes; you can trade with other assets apart from crypto, and we are here to tell you what those assets are! Dive into this page if you want to start trading with other physical or digital assets!


If Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies take the first place when talking about trading, then Forex would be the runner-up in tier lists. What we know as Forex -or FX- stands for Foreign Exchange, and it consists of trading with different currencies to earn a profit from that.

As it happens with cryptocurrencies, the value of currencies can increase or decrease suddenly, and Forex traders do their best to buy specific currencies when their value goes down to sell them when they cost more. Nonetheless, that’s just a brief overview of what Forex trading is.

Many people prefer going for this alternative because it’s less volatile than Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, Forex tends to be more beginner-friendly since it’s easier to understand what currencies are instead of digital assets you’ve never heard of before.

The downside to FX is that it doesn’t give you the benefits that a fully-digital currency would offer.


As FX stands for Foreign Exchange, CFD stands for “Contract for Difference.” The concept of CFDs is a bit more complex than what cryptocurrencies or physical assets are, so we recommend only professional traders get into it.

CFDs are solely used for trading, and you can see that in how they work. When you get a CFD, you are getting a contract that specifies you are going to profit if the value of the asset you are getting increases. The revenue you get depends on how much it increases.

If you, for example, get CFDs for Facebook stocks when they cost $100,000,000, it doesn’t mean you own a part of Facebook, but if those stocks get to $200,000,000, you are going to get the difference in revenue. Things get more complex when the asset’s value decreases or doesn’t change since you don’t get anything at all. Still, you don’t have to pay the other party for it.

Precious Metals

Investors all over the world use precious metals to diversify their portfolios and have a safe and stable source of income for a future retirement plan.

When people invest in precious metals, they mostly do it with gold or silver, but some people prefer going for platinum. Whether it’s bullion, coins, or physical gold, you can see it as something that is not going to lose its value in the mid or short term, so it’s perfect for people who don’t want to take risky bets.

As we mentioned before, precious metals trades and investments are mostly made by people looking forward to having a safe and stable retirement plan, so we recommend you only choose these assets if that’s your goal.


Those were some of the assets people trade with if they don’t want to do it with Bitcoin. However, consider that there are other valuable cryptocurrencies apart from Bitcoin, and you can try them any time you feel like it.

Regardless of that, Bitcoin is still the best option for beginners in the trading world. Additionally, there are many Bitcoin trading apps, such as bitcoin-buyer.app , that can make the process easier for you.

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