
Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes can be damaging to your feet, and even a little cut can have major implications. Diabetic foot care is vital. Diabetic nerve degeneration can result in the loss of feeling in your feet. Diabetes can also limit blood flow to the feet, making it more difficult to repair injuries and fight infections. You may not notice a foreign object in your shoe as a result of these issues. You may acquire a blister or a pain as a result. This could result in an infection or a non-healing wound, putting you in danger of having to have your limb amputated.

Some persons with nerve injury experience numbness, tingling, or pain, while others have none at all. Damage to your nerves can also impair your capacity to feel pain, heat, and cold.

Here are a few foot-care routines you should attempt to do on a daily basis:

Inspect your feet daily – Look for cuts, blisters, redness, swelling, or problems with your nails. Examine the bottoms of your feet with a magnifying hand mirror. If you observe anything, contact your doctor.

Bathe feet in lukewarm – Water should never be too hot. Wash your feet on a daily basis to keep them clean. Only use lukewarm water, as if you were bathing a newborn baby. When bathing your feet, be gentle. Use a soft washcloth or sponge to clean them. Blot or pat dry, paying special attention to the areas between the toes.

Moisturize your feet but not between your toes. To prevent dry skin from itching or cracking, use a moisturizer on a daily basis. But avoid moisturizing between the toes, as this might lead to a fungal infection.

Cutting your nails properly– File the edges after cutting them straight across. Ingrown toenails can be caused by cutting nails too short. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns about your nails. Never attempt to cure corns or calluses on your own. Consult your doctor for the best treatment options.

Wear clean, dry socks – They should be changed on a daily basis. Consider socks designed exclusively for diabetic individuals. These socks offer increased cushioning, don’t have elastic tops, are longer than the ankle, and are constructed of moisture-wicking fibers. Toss on some socks before going to bed. Wear socks if your feet are cold at night. Never use a hot water bottle or a heating pad.

Inspect your shoes – Before you put your shoes on, shake them out and feel the insides. Always examine your shoes before putting them on because your feet may not be able to detect a rock or other foreign object.

Keep your feet warm and dry – If it’s snowing or raining, don’t let your feet get wet. In the winter, wear warm socks and shoes. Consider putting an antiperspirant on your feet’s soles. This is beneficial if you have excessive foot sweating.

Never walk barefoot – Not even in your own home! Always put on a pair of shoes or slippers. You could receive a scratch or a cut if you tread on something.

Take care of your diabetes – Keep your blood sugar levels under control. Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.

Do not smoke – In your feet, smoking reduces blood flow.

Examine your feet on a regular basis. Regular visits to your foot and ankle surgeon will help you avoid diabetic foot issues.

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