Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki Written Updates

Epic Episode! #KTPK Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki 1st June 2017 Today Written Updates

Epic Episode! #KTPK Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki 1st June 2017 Today Written Updates :- Colors TV most incredible entertaining program, “Kasam” looks like an enjoyable interesting show, which gives the enormous voltage potential that gives to the Kasam followers.

Kasam 1st June 2017 Written Update

The traditional TV series “Kasam” to made to give goose bumps to the observers with its never finishing dilemma way and revealed the essential crux of the presentation is to showcase in the latest episodes that, Ahana says the lady who has been quiet for a considerable length of time is abruptly so dynamic, this implies there is something incorrectly. She guarantees her trust over Tanuja in any case. Divia says she would make Tanuja make tea for the family today, and after that, she won’t have the capacity to cook once more. She blends with the gas barrel.
The latest episode started with, Tanuja was moved as Rishi twists near her. She reviews Rishi communicated his eternity cherish for her in the healing center too. He kills the light in the wake of revising her sew. Tanuja holds his hand and inquires as to why so much care. Rishi supposes he couldn’t care less for her, he cherishes her. He says great night to her.

The following morning, Tanuja gets a call. It was Rishi’s assemble about a conference. Varun reveals to Tanuja this is Rishi’s number. Rishi comes there and reveals to Tanuja he purchased another telephone like Tanuja adventitiously.

Tanuja thinks this implies Divia additionally has two telephones, Poorab’s subtle elements must be in the other one. She helps Rishi to remember his final proposal of three days. Rishi educates her to overlook concerning it, its not imperative any longer. Tanuja comes first floor and discovers Divia occupied in the kitchen. She comes looking

into Divia’s room and goes to her washroom. Nakul goes to Divia’s room and requests the wallet. Divia goes to the room, Nakul ponders who is in the washroom. They check inside however Tanuja had holed up behind the entryway. She hears the vibration of a telephone.

Divia comes to the washroom and finds the blossoms over the sink out of request. Tanuja figures out how to escape the washroom. Divia takes the telephone and addresses Malaika that Tanuja isn’t dead, she presumes Tanuja is behind her and even went to her space to locate the evidence. Malaika advises Divia to push Tanuja off the rooftop, she would half kick the bucket atleast.

Upstairs, Tanuja thinks about whether she heard the vibrations, where was the telephone. Tanuja goes to the room. Rishi had come ideal out of the shower and his towel tumbled off. Tanuja pivots. Rishi goes behind the divider and wears his jeans. Tanuja gives him his shirt. Rishi sees there wasn’t a catch on his shirt. Tanuja comes to fasten it.

He watches Tanuja as she join the catch of his shirt. The needle pricks Tanuja’s hand. Rishi holds it out of care on the double. Divia comes there addressing why Tanuja went into her room. Rishi was furious at Tanuja. Divia prevents Tanuja from abandoning Rishi and cautions on the off chance that she continues spying, she would advise about it to the entire family. Tanuja must be watchful about it whenever.

Afterward, Tanuja goes to Divia’s washroom and checks out the sink. She looks under the sink lastly finds the telephone under it. She strolls over the hallway concealing the telephone. Divia asks why Tanuja passed her noiselessly and takes after Tanuja.

In the corridor, Rano was addressing Pandit ji. Rishi and men strolled to the lobby. Tanuja comes to Rano and gives her the telephone saying this contains the records of Divia’s calls to Poorab and Malaika. Honey bee ji investigates the telephone. Tanuja says she definitely knew Divia called Poorab through this telephone to document a fake FIR. Honey bee ji says this telephone needs a watchword. Tanuja gets some information about the secret word.

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