Kumkum Bhagya Written Updates

Mega Twist! Kumkum Bhagya 6th July 2017 Today Episode Written Updates

Mega Twist! Kumkum Bhagya 6th July 2017 Today Episode Written Updates :- ZEE TV most extraordinary entertaining program, “Kumkum Bhagya” looks like a delightful enjoyable show, which gives the enormous voltage potential that gives to the Kumkum Bhagya followers.

Kumkum Bhagya 6th July 2017 Written Update

The traditional TV series “Kumkum Bhagya” to made to give goose bumps to the observers with its never finishing dilemma way and revealed the essential crux of the presentation is to showcase in the latest episodes that, Dadi discloses to Sarla that she can comprehend what she is experiencing. Sarla says you can’t feel that torment as I have lost my girls. She says Pragya is not your girl and you won’t feel agony and cries.

The latest episode started with, Assessor says gives up and check. Pragya takes a seat as the projectile punctured inside her stomach. Abhi tries to make her recover cognizance. Damru requests that Commando leaves and says Police more likely than not come here. Commando says I won’t leave until the point when I execute Abhi. Damru and goons take Commando from that point. Pragya reveals to Abhi that she needed this, and can’t check whether anything transpires. She says she is going. Abhi says I won’t let anything transpire. Abhi yells for offer assistance. Pragya says I cherish you. Abhi says I won’t let anything transpire. He embraces her and cries. Pragya swoons. Abhi yells for offer assistance. Pragya shuts her eyes. In the mean time Abhi keeps running towards the goons leaving Pragya there itself. Commando says his work is inadequate as a result of them. Damru says we might escape from here. Seeing Police they cover up.

Abhi gets Commando’s weapon. He begins beating Commando with his weapon. Commando at that point beats Abhi seriously. Abhi likewise beats him. Goons help Commando and hold Abhi. Abhi beats them and gets Commando. He beats him. Commando tumbles down in the bluff. Abruptly dam water begins streaming. Abhi is stunned and keeps running back. Water falls on Pragya and she gets suffocated in the water. Sarla feels torment in her heart all of a sudden and grumbles to Beeji. Beeji requests that her not think anything and says Pragya is fine, Abhi is with him. Janki calls Doctor. Sarla stresses for Pragya. Beeji says they are as one. Janki brings ajwain and laung and requests that her eat. Sarla declines and says on the off chance that anything happens to Pragya then I won’t live. They make her have it. Sarla cries and petitions God for Pragya and Abhi.

Purab comes there and calls Abhi. Abhi discloses to him that Pragya is shot by goons and they need to take her to doctor’s facility. They go to the place, yet couldn’t see Pragya. He searches for her all over the place. He sees Pragya streaming in water and jumps into spare her. Purab additionally hops in water. Police constables likewise bounced. Abhi couldn’t get her and swoons. Purab and other men spares Abhi. Pragya is streamed in the water.

Specialist checks Sarla and gives her medication. Sarla requests that Beeji call Abhi and make her discussion to him. Beeji says call is not interfacing and requests that Janki bring drugs. She gets strained as well.

Purab brings Abhi home. Dadi and Dasi ask Purab where is Pragya and what happened to Abhi. Purab is in stun. Tanu looks on. Specialist checks Abhi and reveals to Purab that he is in stun, and will be fine. Purab thanks the specialist. Dadi asks what specialist is stating? Why water is topped off in his stomach. Tanu grins. Dadi inquires as to whether pragya is fine. Purab says I won’t tell. Abhi will tell. He says I will check if Abhi picked up cognizance. Dasi requests that he tell. Dadi inquires as to whether Pragya is fine and when she will come. Dasi says Sarla is unwell, and Beeji is concerned for her. Taya ji requests that he tell. Simply at that point Beeji’s call comes. Dasi picks the call. Dadi requests that Purab tell where is Pragya? Purab says she won’t return. Everybody is stunned. Beeji likewise hears available to come back to work. Purab says she was shot and passed on. Purab says she was suffocating in water, Abhi attempted to spare her, however she he proved unable. Everybody is shell stunned. Tau grins cheerfully. Dadi slaps Purab and says you are lying and says this can’t occur. She says passing can’t vanquish Pragya, and she is alive and can’t bite the dust. Beeji sits in stun. Sarla asks what Purab was stating? Beeji cries and discloses to her that Pragya was shot and passed on.

Tanu goes to room and discloses to Aaliya that she is having a craving for swooning and is extremely glad hearing Pragya’s demise. Aaliya says that Pragya is dead now, as Purab told that he saw her suffocated in water.. Tanu says Nikhil will satisfy every one of our desires. Aaliya says this is my life’s greatest joy, now we don’t need to think anything and should not fear anybody. We might not stress if Abhi gets his memory. Tanu says how we will deal with if Abhi cries. Aaliya says let him cry, yet he will return back to you. She says we will celebrate until the point when he cries. Abhi picks up cognizance and thinks where is Pragya. He supposes Pragya fell in water and supposes he needs to spare her. Purab comes and asks where you are going. Abhi says Pragya fell in water, I need to go and bring her back. Purab says you won’t go. Abhi says I need to satisfy guarantee made to Dadi. Purab says you won’t go. Abhi asks then who will spare her. Purab embraces him.

Purab discloses to him that Pragya is dead now, she won’t return. Abhi slaps him and tells that Pragya is alive and she can’t bite the dust. He says she is alive. Purab says I wish this could happen. Purab is seeking Pragya’s body. Abhi asks what you are stating and says she can’t abandon me. Abhi cries severely. Purab requests that he let tears stream and after that exclusive he will acknowledge that she is dead. Abhi says she guaranteed me that she won’t abandon me and cries.

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