Thapki Pyaar Ki Written Updates

#TPK Thapki Pyaar Ki 17th February 2017 Written Updates! Bihaan gets emotional

#TPK Thapki Pyaar Ki 17th February 2017 Written Updates! Bihaan gets emotional :- COLORS TV most remarkable entertaining program, “Thapki Pyaar Ki” looks like the more higher interesting show, which gives the required voltage potential that delivers to the Thapki Pyaar Ki supporters.

Thapki Pyaar Ki 17th February 2017 Written Update

The Refresh TV series “Thapki Pyaar Ki” continually made to give goose bumps to the viewers with its never attaining dilemma way and reported the fundamental crux of the performance is to showcase in the freshest episodes that, Bihaan thinks why did Tina haven’t come till now and goes inside the school to check. Thapki comes there chatting on telephone. Bihaan looks on.

Where In the latest episode, Thapki envisions Bihaan. Bihaan requests that her wear dupatta as his significant other used to wear. Thapki says Bihaan… .Principal calls Thapki from Bani’s school and requests that her come to class. Shraddha is pressing her stuff. Dhruv comes and asks where you are going? Shraddha says she is heading off to her Papa’s home with Veer as he declined to send Tina to live-in school.

He says she is a child. Shraddha controls Dhruv against Tina and advises that she is a risk to Anu and Veer’s life. She supposes your children are your shortcoming and I will exploit it. He asks what do you need?

Shraddha says she needs to send Tina to all inclusive school with the goal that she can take in a few conduct. Dhruv concurs and requests that her do as she supposes right. Shraddha supposes she won’t let Tina go into Pandey house once more. Tina discloses to Bihaan that she didn’t do anything incorrectly. Bihaan says he gets hurt at whatever point she cries.

Dhruv comes and requests that Bihaan let Tina go to life experience school and requests that him not think him off-base. Bihaan is stunned. He says you said that Tina won’t go anyplace. Dhruv says I have taken this choice for her improvement and afterward we will get back to her following 1 year. Bihaan is stressed.

Dhruv reveals to Tina that no one will inconvenience her there. Tina says she won’t go anyplace without her Papa and requests that Bihaan stop her as she can’t remain without her.

Central advises Thapki that Bani have beaten the young men and this is not the first run through. She says you is by all accounts not too bad, yet from where her revolting conduct came? Thapki reviews Bihaan.

Bani tells that the young men prodded her. Thapki requests that her apologize to them. Bani apologizes. Essential requests that Thapki call her significant other and says Bani’s outrage is expanding step by step.

Thapki reveals to Principal that she requested that her little girl apologize as she realizes that she wasn’t right, and requests that her commit the young men additionally understand their error. She says I am her dad and mom, both and tells that Bani is topper in her school. She apologizes once more./

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