
Fotos Lázaro Barbosa Killed In Police Shootout After Killing Four Members Of Family Check Names And Images

In a recent shootout held in Brazil, the most wanted murder suspect, Lázaro Barbosa, has been killed, as per to police. The 32-year-old murder suspect has been accused of murdering four people of a same family near Brasilia, Brazil capital. The police officer said that Lázaro Barbosa had murdered a couple along with their two children who were aged 15-years and 21-years old respectively. Hundreds of police officers were deployed to the city for a 20-day manhunt to search for Lázaro Barbosa.


It has been reported that the murderer during his three weeks of escape and on the run has held many people hostage. Along with that, he has also damaged many cars and a home and has also injured a police officer during these three weeks of escape. Throughout this period, he has damaged many properties as well as injured many people and as the reports started escalating, it increased the panic among the locals. Soon, Lázaro became the most wanted in the list and many police officers who were hundreds in number were deployed for the manhunt. The search for Lázaro Barbosa escalated in Brazil and has created fear among the people living in the area. Many residents also said that they were afraid to leave their homes and even to go to sleep at night.

Finally, on Monday Police got the biggest lead and in the early hours they have hunted down Barbosa who was hiding in the west area of Brasilia. He was found in the Águas Lindas, a city in Brasilia and the locals were the ones who reported his whereabouts to the police. On late Sunday, the residents living in the area had spotted him and immediately alerted the police about his location. As he was the most wanted murder suspect, his pictures were circulating all over the news and in social media as well. The search for Lázaro Barbosa started since June 9 when he killed the four members of the family which also included their children near Brasilia.

Throughout his run, he conducted many crimes along with damaging many vehicles and hurting locals as well. As per to the local news site G1, there were more than 270 officers who were deployed in search of Lázaro Barbosa. There were many helicopter and sniffer dogs who were searching Barbosa during his escape. As the search operation has been concluded with Barbosa’s killing in shootout, Ronaldo Caiado, who is the governor of Goiás state, has praised the team of police officers for putting people’s fear to an end. Lázaro Barbosa was already known to the police because of his criminal history record. He had served his sentencing in the prison for many of his crimes which includes rape and robbery.

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