
Are you the right candidate for Invisalign treatment?

If you wish to have your teeth straightened or realigned, the first picture that may cross your mind is wearing uncomfortable metal braces. But the good news is that orthodontics treatments have come a long way and Invisalign is now one of the leading brands on the market. Principal Dentist at Isca Dental recommends Invisalign to patients with moderate to low crowding and spacing of their teeth. He also mentions it is ideal if your teeth have shifted apart since the last time you wore a brace.

However, Invisalign treatment isn’t suitable for everyone and there are some factors that determine whether you are the right candidate or not. Let’s take a look at the following requirements to help you decide for yourself.

Your age

One big factor that determines whether Invisalign treatment works for you is your age. Since your teeth continue growing from early adolescent years, some orthodontists don’t recommend this treatment for younger patients as it’s almost impossible to create the exact aligners for the teeth. However, thanks to the advancement in dental technology, there are special Invisalign braces that are specifically designed for teenagers. These braces allow for the molar eruption and are equipped with wear indicators to make sure you’re wearing them long enough each day.
Your commitment

You will need to commit up to 12 months to an Invisalign treatment, and depending on your case, it can take even longer than a year for the treatment to complete. It depends on when and how long the aligners must be worn but the general rule is up to 22 hours a day. In fact, the only times you should remove your braces are when you are eating food or brushing your teeth.

Your daily life

When you are considering braces, you must also think about how they may interfere with your daily job or life. As these types of aligners are virtually invisible, they are designed to blend in with your smile so you won’t feel self-conscious at meetings, sales calls, presentations, or interviews. In fact, Invisalign won’t interfere with your job and will actually give your smile a major boost. After all, you’ll no longer feel ashamed of how your teeth look whenever you smile or speak.

Parents and teens will also find Invisalign one of the most convenient options since they won’t have to worry about the types of foods they can eat or taking extra trips to the orthodontist.

Your budget

Although most dental insurance plans cover the Invisalign treatment costs, some only include the metal braces. This is also true with the NHS as it only covers metal train track braces. Most Invisalign braces cost anything from £1500 to £5000 so you should first determine whether you can afford such a treatment. Your orthodontist will be able to provide you with a breakdown of the costs involved. Once you get a good idea of the treatment expenses, you will be able to plan your budget accordingly. If you resort to borrowing money from a lender, be sure to check the interest rates, penalties, and repayment terms before signing up.

Who isn’t a suitable candidate?

There are a few factors that won’t make you a suitable candidate for Invisalign treatment. For example, if you have gum disease, you will need to get treated before you start the Invisalign treatment. In case you need dental surgery, Invisalign will not be able to correct any issues you have with your overbite as this will require you to undergo surgery in order to shift your jaw. If you have TMJ problems, dental implants, or bridges, you aren’t completely disqualified, but it will be difficult to undergo Invisalign treatment. Also, patients with misshaped or eroded teeth may need to have further dental treatments in order to correct the problem before Invisalign. However, this depends on the severity of your case and whether Invisalign will work alongside your misshaped teeth.

To get a better idea of whether this treatment is right for you, most orthodontists offer free assessment tests at their practice. Your dental professional will talk you through the procedure in length and show you the different techniques used to achieve that perfect smile. Simply make an appointment to find out if you are a suitable candidate.

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