
Is SSDI permanent disability?

SSDI stands for Social Security Disability Insurance, though oftentimes it is mistakenly called Social Security Disability income. In short, no, you do not have to be permanently disabled in order to receive Social Security Disability Insurance. However, you do need to qualify, apply and then be approved before you can begin to receive your monthly payments.

Am I eligible for SSDI?

In general, you must have been working and paying into Social Security for at least 10 years. Second, a doctor must verify that your condition will last at least a year. If you haven’t been working within the last ten years or if you were paid cash and didn’t pay into Social Security, then you may not be eligible. An attorney should advise you further if either describe your case.

When would my payments start?

Once approved you will begin receiving monthly payments starting six months after your onset date, which is the date that you became disabled, such as the night of a car accident. Because there is a stretch of time between your onset date and having your claim approved, you can be back paid for up to one year prior to your application date but, obviously, not before the date of your injury or accident. For example, if someone was injured in February 2016 but they filed for SSDI in February 2020, then they will only be back paid until February 2019. It’s important to apply as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out on years of payments, or even months.

Expect to wait a long time between when you file your claim and when you receive a response. The Social Security Administration was backlogged before the pandemic by 5-6 months, and now wait times have increased. When you apply immediately then you cut down on the amount of time it takes for you to receive a response.

Why You Need An Attorney

There are three different ways to apply for SSDI. The first way is to apply online and upload your documents to the website. The second way is to call your local Social Security Administration office and ask for an in-person appointment to file a claim. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, many offices are closed until further notice. The third option is to hire an attorney who will ensure that your application is complete, accurate, and filed in a timely manner. This maybe your best option since many lawyers are able to work remotely at full capacity, so you don’t have to wait. To cut down further on your wait time, you should begin gathering your medical documents from all your healthcare providers regarding your injury, therapies, and prognosis.

After you submit your application it may take anywhere from 5 to 6 months before you hear a response back. You don’t want to wait all of that time to have your application rejected. So out of the three options, the best thing to do is to hire an attorney.

By now you have hopefully understood a lot more about a vital government program that has helped millions of people that might be able to help you. But it’s understandable that you may have additional questions. Or you may have decided to apply and now want to speak to an attorney now that you know your chances of having your claim approved are much higher that way. Visit

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